Free me: Education as the Practice of Freedom Seminar

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventSeminar/workshop/course


How are security discourses shaping schools as spaces of learning and education as the ‘practice of freedom’? What are the impacts of securitisation upon social justice and inclusion? What if our prisons became hotbeds of learning and connection? Our dialogue will be led by Baz Dreisinger (founder and Academic Director of John Jay’s groundbreaking Prison-to-College Pipeline programme in New York), Ingrid Obsuth, (an expert in the socio-emotional, cognitive and biological aspects of the development and progression of delinquent and aggressive behaviour in young people) and Karen Graham (whose research focusses on the correspondence between experiences in school and in prison). Baz Dreisinger (Prison to College Pipeline, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY) Karen Graham (Educational Sociology) Ingrid Obsuth (Criminology)
Period10 Nov 2015
Event typeConference
LocationCambridge, United KingdomShow on map


  • criminology
  • education
  • prisoners