Innovations in Dementia (External organisation)

Activity: MembershipCommittee


Advisory Committee for 'The personal is political: women’s experiences of dementia' project funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Project run by Innovations in Dementia. Dementia is an issue that disproportionately affects women. Of the 750,000 people with dementia in the UK, two thirds are women (Alzheimer’s Society, 2013); three quarters of family caregivers of people with dementia are women (Lindsay and Anderson, 2004); and it is mostly women who deliver paid care to people with dementia (Zimmerman, 2005). Despite this, women’s voices within the dementia field are relatively quiet. Little is known about the particular experiences of women with dementia, in respect to gender issues such as power, control, choice and influence.
Period1 Jan 20141 Sept 2015
Held atInnovations in Dementia, United Kingdom


  • dementia
  • women
  • gender issues