Janine Bartlett

Activity: Hosting a visitorCommercial


Hosting a visit from Janine Bartlett from DutchCare Australia

DutchCare is a culturally specific aged care organisation in Australia. We are a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) organisation. Whilst our origins are the Dutch population in Australia that predominantly resulted from the post-war migration we recognise that social history creates migrant populations of other cultures that will be requiring aged care services in the future and we are looking to these in the future. DutchCare is an organisation that has implemented the Eden philosophy of Dr Bill Thomas to improve the lives of Elders building on strengths rather than living a life defined by disablement. This creates a philosophy of care that impacts on every interaction with Elders.
Period28 May 2015


  • dementia
  • older people
  • care