Title: Modular co/invariantsAbstract:
Let $G$ be a group and $V$, $W$ finite $\mathbb{F}G$-modules. Classically speaking, a covariant is a $G$-equivariant polynomial function $V \to W$. The set of covariants $\mathbb{F}[V,W]^G$ forms a module over the set of invariants $\mathbb{F}[V]^G$. Rather less is known about the structure of $\mathbb{F}[V,W]^G$ as a $\mathbb{F}[V]^G$-module in the modular case ($\operatorname{char} \mathbb{F}$ divides $|G|$) than in the non-modular case. I'll give an overview of what we know, talk about recent work constructing generating sets for $\mathbb{F}[V,W]^G$ when $G$ is cyclic, and describe an unexpected connection with modular coinvariants. In part this is joint work with Mufit Sezer (Bilkent).
Period | 18 Feb 2019 |
Visiting from | Middlesex University (United Kingdom) |
Visitor degree | PhD |
Degree of Recognition | Local |
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