Jonathan Elmer

Activity: Hosting a visitorAcademic


Title: Modular co/invariants

Let $G$ be a group and $V$, $W$ finite $\mathbb{F}G$-modules. Classically speaking, a covariant is a $G$-equivariant polynomial function $V \to W$. The set of covariants $\mathbb{F}[V,W]^G$ forms a module over the set of invariants $\mathbb{F}[V]^G$. Rather less is known about the structure of $\mathbb{F}[V,W]^G$ as a $\mathbb{F}[V]^G$-module in the modular case ($\operatorname{char} \mathbb{F}$ divides $|G|$) than in the non-modular case. I'll give an overview of what we know, talk about recent work constructing generating sets for $\mathbb{F}[V,W]^G$ when $G$ is cyclic, and describe an unexpected connection with modular coinvariants. In part this is joint work with Mufit Sezer (Bilkent).
Period18 Feb 2019
Visiting fromMiddlesex University (United Kingdom)
Visitor degreePhD
Degree of RecognitionLocal