Journal Editors' Symposium: Extending the Reach of Research through Accessible Summaries.

  • Marsden, E. (Chair)
  • Sible Andringa (Invited speaker)
  • Laura Collins (Invited speaker)
  • CARRIE N. JACKSON (Invited speaker)
  • Kevin McManus (Invited speaker)

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventSeminar/workshop/course


This symposium, attended by approximately 20 editors and associate editors of international second language research journals, established the rationale and procedures behind OASIS initiative- Open Accessible Summaries in Language Studies. The event included talks and workshops run by members of the OASIS team: Emma Marsden, Sible Andringa, Laura Collins, Carrie Jackson, Rowena Kasprowicz, and Kevin McManus. The aim of the event was to persuade and facilitate journal editors in seeking accessible summaries from their authors, to create a sustainable and systematic open database to help extend the reach of research beyond academia.
Period28 Mar 2018
Event typeWorkshop
LocationChicago, United StatesShow on map