A morning seminar by Neil Lunt and Kate Brown on Voluntary sector developments and challenges in the UK. The visiting group of 8 consisisted of Hong, Young Joon, PhD (Chair & Professor, Dept. of Family Welfare, SangMyung University) Park, Man Woo (Senior ManagerSamSung Group Corporate Citizenship) Song, Jung Min (Assistant Manager Community Chest of Korea) Lee, Jung Ho (Director Sangdaewon-3 Social Welfare Center) Song, Min Chul (Director Namyangju Eastern Senior Welfare Center) Kim, Byoung Soo (Director Ulsan Cham Sarang House) Hwang, Myung Gu, PhD (Director ChungjuCommunity Rehabilitation Center) Maeng, HyunSook (Director Mokpo Disability Care Center) The visit was supported by Koreas Community Chest Organisation.