Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (External organisation)

Activity: MembershipCouncil


13th Annual Meeting of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European Senior Budget Officials: Symposium on Fiscal Transparency

I presented in a symposium on transparency in government budgeting at the OECD in Paris. I presented my research on how institutional solutions can enhance transparency and the challenges faced by the institutions established to promote transparency. The paper evaluates the potential of independent fiscal watchdogs operating across the EU to exercise effective oversight over national public finances and thereby promote fiscal transparency. In addition, I presented some of my ongoing work studying the day-to-day impact of EU independent fiscal institutions on fiscal transparency. The participants of the symposium were mainly from countries (Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe) where room for improvement in fiscal transparency is large and this includes adopting institutional solutions such as those proposed and evaluated in my work.
Period7 Jul 2017
Held atOrganisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)


  • fiscal councils
  • fiscal transparency