Photonics Horizon Scanning Exercise

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventForum


Participation in online workshop of the UK’s leading photonics academics to develop a vision for the future of UK photonics research building on the Royal Society meeting in Cardiff, the Electech roadmap and recent discussions of photonics in quantum. The idea is develop a detailed view of where photonics research is headed over the next 10 years independent of current funding foci to:
- Develop an Inclusive vision for UK photonics research direction possibilities and potential futures inspiring and ensuring the global leadership of UK photonics research
- To input into government, UKRI and EPSRC strategy (EPSRC, BEIS and Innovate are fully aware and very supportive)
- To provide a basis for input from industry, policy makers and user communities on research topics of greatest interest to them

As befits horizon scanning activity the aim is to look to the range of future possibilities focusing on topic/ areas yet to be of significant research focus (pre global inflection point on publication rate) and/or where major (order magnitude) breakthroughs may occur with sufficient additional research.

Period24 Mar 2020
Event typeOther
LocationUnited KingdomShow on map
Degree of RecognitionNational