Queer In Conflict: Discussion with Sa'ed Atsham and Jamie Hagen

  • Tanna, N. (Organiser)
  • Marcin Smietana (Organiser)
  • hakan sandal-wilson (Organiser)

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventSeminar/workshop/course


Reading and discussion group

In this reading and discussion group with Dr Sa’ed Atshan and Dr Jamie J. Hagen, we will ask how queerness and conflict can be thought together in different contexts. How can we think about war and conflict with queer lenses? What possibilities emerge when we uncover power dynamics in conflictual settings that render queer lives irrelevant and/or unintelligible? What novel forms of praxis, thinking, and imagination can be brought about by locating queer subjects and subjectivities at the core of discussions around conflict? How can we reconceptualise peace and conflict through a queer analysis? Seeking answers to these questions, we will discuss the texts below with their authors.

Recommended readings

Atshan, Sa’ed. (2020). Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique. Stanford: Stanford University Press. [Introduction & Chapter 1 & Chapter 5]
Hagen, Jamie J. (2016). ‘Queering women, peace and security’. International Affairs (London), 92(2), 313-332.
Period10 Feb 2022
Event typeSeminar