SPA Welfare-to-work Policy Round Table

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventSeminar/workshop/course


‘(How) Does Welfare Conditionality Work?’, invited presentation to the Welfare-to-Work SPA Policy Roundtable 11th September 2015, British Library London. There have been a number of significant changes to welfare-to-work and activation policy Jobcentre-plus-since 2010. This event will draw on a range of social policy research to explore the impact of and lessons learnt from this development. Alongside academic experts and research groups, representatives from Citizens Advice, Policy in Practice, IPPR, Demos, and the New Economics Foundation will deliver policy briefings to answer the question: “Does Welfare Conditionality Work?”.
Period11 Sept 2015
Event typeConference
LocationLondon, United KingdomShow on map


  • Welfare Conditionality