The Welfare State After the Crisis

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventConference participation


Leading reformers at the cutting edge of welfare reform will address a major conference tomorrow being organised by the Stockholm Network, a pan-European think tank. The Welfare State After the Crisis will hear a keynote address from Minister for Welfare Reform, Lord Freud, followed by a panel of expert speakers and welfare reform practitioners including Gavin Poole, Director of the Centre for Social Justice; Hans Ouwehand, Director of Calder Holding; and Nick Timmins, Financial Times and Author of The Five Giants. The conference is aimed at providing policy lessons from overseas for the UK government as it prepares to enact what has been called the most significant reform since the creation of the welfare state. Commenting ahead of the conference, Jason Turner, a panel speaker and one of the chief architects of successful welfare to work schemes in Wisconsin and New York City, which have influenced UK policymakers, said: "What we learned from the US reforms is that welfare beneficiaries are not always desperate or without the means to take charge of their lives, if presented with a clear signal from government that this is to be expected. Government can achieve the most by putting individuals in a position to meet their own responsibilities for self support, rather than by taking on income support responsibilities itself."
Period9 Mar 2011
Event typeConference
LocationLondon, United KingdomShow on map


  • welfare state
  • economic crisis