3DED/microED datasets of biotin (Glacios/Ceta-D)



3DED/microED data collected from 11 crystals of biotin (Sigma-Aldrich 14400) using a Thermo Fisher Scientific Glacios microscope equipped with a Ceta-D Camera. An image of the grid square with the crystal used for data collection marked is included in each folder. Data collection settings: 200kV, microprobe, gun lens 4, spot size 11, 30 µm C2 aperture. Illuminated area was ~3.3 µm and a 40 µm SA aperture was used. Camera length calibrated from Al powder is 838.5 mm. Data acquired using EPU-D (v1.5) with following settings: 2x binning, 0.5 °/s, 2s exposure, rolling shutter, noise reduction mode enabled. MRC format images can be processed with DIALS using the FormatMRC dxtbx format (distributed with DIALS from version 3.5 onwards), use goniometer.axes=1,0,0.

External deposit with Zenodo
Date made available2 Jun 2021

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