Co-design of the built environment for mobility in later life: Postal questionnaire data



Each participant was sent a postal questionnaire to complete. The questionnaire includes Ann Bowling’s Quality of Life Questions (OPQOL), and additional questions about mobility and neighbourhood. To track responses over time, a slightly shorter version of the first postal questionnaire was repeated in 2015 (called the final postal questionnaire). Please see for further information and data management plan. This data can be linked with Phase 1: Screening and Phase 3: Telephone interviews. Data can be linked using the unique ID number, "UK Data Code" found in the datasets.
Date made available17 Oct 2017
PublisherUK Data Service
Temporal coverage1 Mar 2014 - 30 Nov 2015
Date of data production1 Mar 2014 - 30 Nov 2015
Geographical coverageHexham, Leeds and York

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