Data from the 8-fjords study

  • Lina Isacs (Creator)
  • Jasper Onno Kenter (Creator)
  • Hanna Wetterstrand (Creator)
  • Cecilia Katzeff (Creator)
  • Susanne Baden (Contributor)
  • Cecilia Håkansson (Contributor)



For details about this data, see Isacs, L., Kenter, J. O., Wetterstrand, H. & Katzeff, C. (2022). What does value pluralism mean in practice? An empirical demonstration from a deliberative valuation. People and Nature, 00, 1–19. The data set here consists of photos of the participating citizens' 32 individual value-maps (Files named "15" to "51"), their four group value-maps (from September 2016) and the (one) group value-map of the seven politicians (from November 2017). The seven individual value-maps of the politicians can be held upon request from the first author. Inspired by Q methodology, they were used in factor analysis (see the file ALLGROUP) as well as "manual analysis" (counts and visual comparisons of the maps). The file "Statements_ÖVERSÄTTNING till 1-29" contains the (translation) keys to the statements' numbers in the photos of the value-maps (15-42) to their numbers (1-29) used in the factor analysis (and later in the published article Isacs et al., see Table 2). Further data from the factor analysis can be held upon request from the first author. Qualitative data (transcripts of group discussions from the workshops) are thus far only accessible upon request from the first author.

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Date made available28 Feb 2022

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