Data set associated with Suppression of surface ozone by an aerosol-inhibited photochemical ozone regime



This dataset contains the data used to plot results found in the Suppression of surface ozone by an aerosol-inhibited photochemical ozone regime journal article published in Nature Geoscience. The simulations were run using the GEOS-Chem V12.8 chemical transport model at 0.5-degree horizontal resolution over the domain 170W-170E, 10S-60N using 2017 meteorological data for 1750, 1970 and 2014 emissions scenarios. July 2017 GEOS-FP (forward-processing) meteorological fields were used for all simulations.

Three experimental runs were performed using 1750 emissions; no sea salt, no dust and no biomass burning emissions. One experiment was run using 1970 emissions; no shipping emissions. Three experimental runs were performed using 2014 emissions with three different HO2 uptake coefficients; 0.1, 0.05 and 0 (no uptake). Surface data is archived for all simulations, additionally, data at pressure levels 200 hPa, and 500 hPa 800 hPa were archived for 2014.
Date made available26 May 2022
PublisherCentre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA)

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