Diphthong Synthesis using the Dynamic 3D Digital Waveguide Mesh: Dataset



This dataset comprises the data and MATLAB scripts associated with the paper "Diphthong Synthesis using the Dynamic 3D Digital Waveguide Mesh" published in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing.

The dataset contains:

Audio files in .wav format including simulation outputs and recorded microphone and electrolaryngograph signals

MATLAB files for simulation (requires GPU device) and plotting results, including volume matrices for 6 English monophthongs, obtained from MRI images as described in the paper

Plots of results in .png and MATLAB .fig format
Date made available22 Nov 2017
Temporal coverage1 Oct 2014 - 30 Sept 2017
Date of data production1 Oct 2014 - 30 Sept 2017
Geographical coverageYork, UK

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