A study by Gizzo et al. [1] found that the number of mutants was an inaccurate measure of real computational cost, and that execution times should be used instead. Taking into account this research, the execution time needed by each algorithm to find the S% strong mutants is measured. The document includes a list of runtimes (nanoseconds) for each test case: BruteForce, Ecological Island, SnifferCongestion, and Terminal. At the bottom of each S% for all the algorithms the mean is calculated. Moreover, for each test case, a table with a comparison of the calculated mean is displayed. For each S% strong mutant, the lowest runtime is highlighted. [1] Guizzo G, Sarro F, Harman M (2020) Cost measures matter for mutation testing study validity. In: Proceedings of the 28th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, ESEC/FSE 2020, p 1127–1139, URL
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External deposit with Zenodo
Date made available | 24 Sept 2023 |
Publisher | Zenodo |