Infant-Directed Speech Does Not Always Involve Exaggerated Vowel Distinctions: Evidence From Danish



Data and code for Infant-Directed Speech Does Not Always Involve Exaggerated Vowel Distinctions: Evidence From Danish. This OSF repository consists of the following: i) Datasets used in the study, ii) Code in .Rmd format, iii) A knitted version of the code in .pdf format. Note that the code was compiled on an Ubuntu virtual machine and requires 3 GB of free space to run. It will take approximately 36 hours to run with 64 cores and 188 GB RAM. If you want quick answers to what each chunk does, we would recommend checking the knitted .pdf version of the code. If you have any questions about the code or data release, please feel free to get in touch.

External deposit with OSF.
Date made available21 Oct 2022

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