The MeCETES Film Database is a MS Excel spreadsheet containing data on over 23,000 film titles, released in Europe between 1996 and 2014. Data for each film title includes:
- Title
- Production year
- Production country(s)
- Theatrical admissions in 36 European territories, plus US and Canada
- Release date
- Runtime
- Genre
- Director(s)
- Writer(s)
- Actor(s)
- Language(s)
- Location(s) of filming
- Awards/nominations
- Key awards (e.g. Oscars, ETA, Berlin)
- Metacritic score
- IMDb User Rating
- IMDb Votes
- Tomatometer score
- Tomatometer User Rating
- Tomatometer Reviews
- DVD release date
- Budget
- Plot
- MEDIA distribution support
- Eurimages support
The MeCETES Film Database was created by Huw D Jones using raw data from various sources, including the European Audiovisual Observatory LUMIERE Pro database, the Internet Movie Database (IMDb), Rotten Tomatoes, Wikipedia, MEDIA and Eurimages. Data from the LUMIERE Pro and IMDb was initially collected on 18-19 November 2015, with further additions and amendments made since that date. Due to the licensing restrictions on the use of admissions data obtained from LUMIERE Pro, the MeCETES Film Database can only be accessed by members of the MeCETES research team.
- Title
- Production year
- Production country(s)
- Theatrical admissions in 36 European territories, plus US and Canada
- Release date
- Runtime
- Genre
- Director(s)
- Writer(s)
- Actor(s)
- Language(s)
- Location(s) of filming
- Awards/nominations
- Key awards (e.g. Oscars, ETA, Berlin)
- Metacritic score
- IMDb User Rating
- IMDb Votes
- Tomatometer score
- Tomatometer User Rating
- Tomatometer Reviews
- DVD release date
- Budget
- Plot
- MEDIA distribution support
- Eurimages support
The MeCETES Film Database was created by Huw D Jones using raw data from various sources, including the European Audiovisual Observatory LUMIERE Pro database, the Internet Movie Database (IMDb), Rotten Tomatoes, Wikipedia, MEDIA and Eurimages. Data from the LUMIERE Pro and IMDb was initially collected on 18-19 November 2015, with further additions and amendments made since that date. Due to the licensing restrictions on the use of admissions data obtained from LUMIERE Pro, the MeCETES Film Database can only be accessed by members of the MeCETES research team.
Date made available | 17 Jun 2016 |
Publisher | University of York |
Date of data production | 19 Nov 2015 |