Plant physiology data for the spring wheat cultivar Mulika, in response to combined ozone and drought exposure in 2015

  • Stephanie Osborne (Stockholm Environment Institute at the University of York) (Creator)
  • F. Hayes (Creator)
  • K. Sharps (Creator)
  • Harry Harmens (Creator)
  • G. Mills (Creator)



The data comprise of four datasets for Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Mulika) from a season-long ozone exposure experiment in mesocosms:
i) Yield and biomass data (including harvest index and individual grain weight) gathered at the end of the experiment;
ii) measurements of chlorophyll content index (CCI) measured ad-hoc using a Soil-Plant Analyses Development (SPAD) chlorophyll meter throughout the experiment across all treatments;
iii) measurements of leaf stomatal conductance, measured ad-hoc using a porometer throughout the experiment across all treatments; iv) results from four growth stage assessments conducted at different stages of the experiment.

Yield and Biomass data are dry weights of non-edge plants, with a cutting height of 5cm above soil level. Leaf chlorophyll and stomatal conductance data were measured on the most recently fully expanded leaf (flag leaf from 28th May 2015 onwards) of randomly selected non-edge plants. The data are from an ozone and drought exposure experiment conducted during April-August 2015 at the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Bangor solardome facility near Abergwyngregyn (Latitude 53.2387, Longitude -4.0176). The objective of the experiment was to determine how two abiotic stressors in combination - ozone and drought - would interact to influence growth and yield of wheat, and also what impact the timing of drought would have on the result.

Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Mulika) was grown in rows within large 25-litre pots, and exposed to eight ozone treatments for 82 days. Plants experienced either (i) a well-watered regime (ii) a 10-day early-season drought event or (iii) a 10-day late-season drought event. The eight Ozone (O3) treatments ranged from a 24-hour mean of 27 parts per billion (ppb) in the lowest treatment to 57 ppb in the highest, with daily peaks ranging from 32 to 115 ppb

This work was carried out as part of a Ph.D. funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) (NERC Reference NEC05014/3328/988)

External deposit with UKCEH Environmental Information Data Centre
Date made available20 Jan 2017
PublisherNERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
Geospatial polygon53.237, -4.016, 53.239, -4.02

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