Binaural measurements taken for specific loudspeaker configurations to enable virtual loudspeaker rendering and binaural analysis of decoders. The datasets also contain reference median and azimuthal plane measurements. Each dataset contains the RAW, Diffuse Field Compensated and Minimum Phase versions of the HRTFs with an associated ITD lookup table. The HRTFs are measured from a custom HRTF measurement system using an equalised Equator D5 loudspeaker at 1.5m from the centre of the subjects head. Head position was assured through infra-red motion tracking and laser alignment. You can choose to download the WAV files directly in zip format, which are in 44.1K - 16bit, 48K - 24bit and 96K - 24bit, or you can download in AES 69 format (at 48K - 24 bit).
The measurements taken from a KEMAR binaural mannequinn and a Neumann KU100 dummy head have 1550 points on the sphere. The distribution of points can be found here. These dummy head measurements faciliate all of the Ambisonic decoders found on the Ambsisonic Decoders page. The config files by default are set to use the diffuse field compensated versions at 44.1kHz.
Measurements from human subjects contain 170 points on the sphere. The distribution of points can be found here. These measurements specifically support the Ambisonic decoders found here . The config files by default are set to use the diffuse field compensated versions at 44.1kHz.
This dataset is free to use under the Apache licence, although the original dataset must be referenced whenever used in original or modified form.
Date made available | 1 Feb 2016 |
Publisher | University of York |
Date of data production | 1 Dec 2015 - 15 Dec 2015 |