Solution of the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov equations in the Cartesian deformed harmonic-oscillator basis. (VIII) HFODD (v2.73y): A new version of the program.

  • N. Schunck (Contributor)
  • Jacek Jan Dobaczewski (Contributor)
  • W. Satuła (Contributor)
  • P. Bączyk (Contributor)
  • J. Dudek (Contributor)
  • Y. Gao (Contributor)
  • M. Konieczka (Contributor)
  • Tetsuya K. Sato (Contributor)
  • Y Shi (Contributor)
  • X. B. Wang (University of Jyväskylä) (Contributor)
  • T. R. Werner (Contributor)



We describe the new version (v2.73y) of the code hfodd which solves the nuclear Skyrme Hartree-Fock or Skyrme Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov problem by using the Cartesian deformed harmonic-oscillator basis. In the new version, we have implemented the following new features: (i) full proton-neutron mixing in the particle-hole channel for Skyrme functionals, (ii) the Gogny force in both particle-hole and particle-particle channels, (iii) linear multi-constraint method at finite temperature, (iv) fission toolkit including the constraint on the number of particles in the neck between two fragments, calculation of the interaction energy between fragments, and calculation of the nuclear and Coulomb energy of each fragment, (v) the new version 200d of the code HFBTHO, together with an enhanced interface between HFBTHO and HFODD, (vi) parallel capabilities, significantly extended by adding several restart options for large-scale jobs, (vii) the Lipkin translational energy correction method with pairing, (viii) higher-order Lipkin particle-number corrections, (ix) interface to a program plotting single-particle energies or Routhians, (x) strong-force isospin-symmetry-breaking terms, and (xi) the Augmented Lagrangian Method for calculations with 3D constraints on angular momentum and isospin. Finally, an important bug related to the calculation of the entropy at finite temperature and several other little significant errors of the previous published version were corrected.

External deposit with Mendeley Data.
Date made available28 Mar 2017
PublisherMendeley Data

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