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RoBMobS - Roman Britannia: Mobility and Society
1/03/25 → 31/03/28
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Seeing the Dead. New Insights into Roman Gypsum Burials in Yorkshire
Carroll, M., Alexander, M. M. & Mosely, J.
1/01/25 → 31/12/27
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Dairy pastoralism sustained Eastern Eurasian steppe populations for 5000 years
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Meaningful Objects and Comforting Things (research collaboration)
Spikins, P., Debus, D., Wright, B. J. D. & Bell, T.
Project: Other project › Research collaboration
File -
Proyecto al Madam (Sharjah, Emiratos Árabes Unidos). Las comunidades campesinas y la cultura de los oasis durante la Edad del Hierro en la península de Omán
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
ICAL: Interdisciplinary Centre for Ancient Life
Project: Other project › Project from former institution
Las sociedades calcolíticas y su marco temporal en la región de Madrid. Una revisión a la luz de nuevos datos
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
The Wall Project - People and Ecology in Medieval Mongolia and China
Project: Other project › Research collaboration
‘Becoming human’: How did changes in group size and composition affect the emergence of our species?
Spikins, P., Dytham, C. & French, J.
Project: Other project › Other internal award
Interdisciplinary research into the Palaeolithic origins of care-giving and medicine
Spikins, P., Needham, A., Wright, B. J. D., Dytham, C., Hitchens, G. & Bell, T.
Project: Other project › Research collaboration
Working Stone, Making Communities: Technology and Identity in Prehistoric Orkney
Edmonds, M. R., Anderson-Whymark, H., Clarke, A. & Thomas, A. S.
Project: Research project (funded) › Research