- 600 - 650 out of 1,200 results
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Ingrid Harvold Kvangraven
- Politics - Lecturer in International Development, Former employee
Person: Academic
Stephanie Yvonne Lacey
- Social Policy and Social Work - Research Assistant, Former employee
Person: Research
Agata Lambrechts
- Chemistry - Research Associate in Science Education, Former employee
Person: Research
Dean Langan
- Centre for Reviews and Dissemination - Research Fellow in Evidence Synthesis, Former employee
Person: Research
Philip Mark Linsley
- The York Management School - Professor in Accounting and Risk, Former employee
Person: Academic
Stephen Andrew Linstead, BA,MA,MSC,PhD,DLitt, FRSA,FCIPD,FCMI
- The York Management School - Professor, Former employee
Person: Academic
Bridget Eileen Lockyer
- The York Management School - Research Associate, Former employee
Person: Research