Activities per year
- 46 results
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Not all children find no subjects hard: A cross-linguistic investigation of children's negative indefinite production
Bill, C. (Speaker), Driemel, I. (Speaker), Nicolae, A. (Speaker), Yatsushiro, K. (Chair), Katsos, N. (Speaker) & Sauerland, U. (Speaker)
28 Mar 2025Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
What's in a bare noun? On the silence of determiners
Driemel, I. (Speaker), Bimpeh, A. (Speaker) & Duah, R. (Speaker)
16 Jan 2025Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Omnivorous agreement in Mundari - Cyclic Agree and post-syntactic overwriting
Murugesan, G. (Speaker), Driemel, I. (Speaker) & Murphy, A. (Speaker)
16 Dec 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Early Career Forum session on Research Impact
Claire Childs (Speaker)
11 Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Old English and Old Scandinavian in contact: dialect-contact and place-names
Eleanor Rye (Speaker)
10 May 2024 → 12 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
‘say’-clauses in subject position: observations from Kwa languages
Imke Driemel (Speaker), Abigail Bimpeh (Speaker) & Reginald Duah (Speaker)
2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Overt past on irregular verbs in child English due to secondary feature negligence
Johannes Hein (Speaker), Imke Driemel (Speaker), Fabienne Martin (Speaker) & Yining Nie (Speaker)
2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
The interpretation of logophoric and ordinary pronouns in Ewe: an experimental study
Silvia Silleresi (Speaker), Itai Bassi (Speaker), Abigail Bimpeh (Speaker), Imke Driemel (Speaker), Anastasia Nuworsu (Speaker) & Maria Teresa Guasti (Speaker)
2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
The localization of the Ormulum
Eleanor Rye (Speaker), Marcelle Cole (Speaker) & Brian Golding (Speaker)
3 Jul 2023 → 6 Jul 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Morpho-syntactic co-variation in English dialects
Claire Childs (Invited speaker)
22 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Number and definiteness in kinds across languages: Insights from an experimental study
Imke Driemel (Speaker), Johannes Hein (Speaker), Desire Carioti (Speaker), Jakob Wünsch (Speaker), Vina Tsakali (Speaker), Artemis Alexiadou (Speaker), Uli Sauerland (Speaker) & Maria Teresa Guasti (Speaker)
2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Two types of definites – cross-linguistic experimental study
Florian Schwarz (Speaker), Agata Renans (Speaker), Hasiyatu Abubakari (Speaker), Dorothy Ahn (Speaker), Fenna Bergsma (Speaker), Nattanun Chanchaochai (Speaker), Reginald Duah (Speaker), Imke Driemel (Speaker), Ljudmila Geist (Speaker), Mira Grubic (Speaker), Sampson Korsah (Speaker), Suet-Ying Lam (Speaker), Cecile Meier (Speaker), Yagmur Sag (Speaker), Ankana Saha (Speaker), Radek Simik (Speaker) & Alexandra Simonenko (Speaker)
2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Linguistic identities in Anglo-Scandinavian England: revisiting the place-name evidence
Eleanor Rye (Speaker)
23 Jul 2022 → 29 Jul 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Gender and allocutivity in the world’s languages
Imke Driemel (Speaker) & Gurujegan Murugesan (Speaker)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Strict logophors
Itai Bassi (Speaker), Imke Driemel (Speaker), Abigail Bimpeh (Speaker) & Silvia Silleresi (Speaker)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Negative concord in Dutch, English and German child language
Imke Driemel (Speaker), Johannes Hein (Speaker), Cory Bill (Speaker), Aurore Gonzalez (Speaker), Ivona Illic (Speaker) & Paloma Jeretic (Speaker)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Negative concord in the acquisition of non-negative concord languages
Johannes Hein (Speaker), Cory Bill (Speaker), Imke Driemel (Chair), Aurore Gonzalez (Speaker), Ivona Illic (Speaker) & Paloma Jeretic (Speaker)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Obligatory de se logophors in Ewe, Yoruba and Igbo: variation and competition
Abigail Bimpeh (Speaker), Imke Driemel (Speaker), Itai Bassi (Chair) & Silvia Silleresi (Speaker)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Pseudo-incorporation vs. Differential Argument Marking in Korean
Imke Driemel (Speaker) & Hyunjung Lee (Speaker)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Pronoun exchange in North-Eastern English: Perception versus use
Claire Childs (Speaker), Carmen Llamas (Speaker) & Dominic Watt (Speaker)
8 Sept 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Lexical borrowing in Anglo-Scandinavian England: the place-name evidence
Eleanor Rye (Speaker)
5 Jul 2021 → 9 Jul 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
“We’ve lived here all wor life”: Pronoun variation in the dialects of the North East of England
Claire Childs (Speaker), Carmen Llamas (Speaker) & Dominic Watt (Speaker)
Jun 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Verb-y and noun-y complementation in Kipsigis
Imke Driemel (Speaker) & Maria Kouneli (Speaker)
2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
<v,t>-type complementation in Kipsigis
Imke Driemel (Speaker) & Maria Kouneli (Speaker)
2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
A dedicated topic position in Kipsigis
Imke Driemel (Speaker) & Maria Kouneli (Speaker)
2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
C-Agree is local subject-verb agreement in Kipsigis
Imke Driemel (Speaker) & Maria Kouneli (Speaker)
2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Prosodic encoding of information structure in nuclear and prenuclear positions in American English
Jennifer Cole (Speaker) & Eleanor Chodroff (Speaker)
Dec 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Ripping open the envelope of variation: Stative HAVE (GOT) and auxiliary/negative-contraction in British English (POSTER)
Claire Childs (Speaker)
5 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Testing the distinctiveness of intonational tunes: Evidence from imitative productions in American English
Eleanor Chodroff (Speaker) & Jennifer Cole (Speaker)
Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Visit to Lollipop York
Richard Ogden (Chair) & Chris Bojas (Speaker)
11 Jun 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Relative influences of information structure and utterance-final position on the prosodic implementation of nuclear pitch accents
Eleanor Chodroff (Speaker) & Jennifer Cole (Speaker)
May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Pseudo-noun incorporation and the DP/NP-distinction
Imke Driemel (Speaker)
2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Adyghe cislocative: Canonical inverse but non-canonical PCC marker
Imke Driemel (Speaker), Bilal Özdemir (Speaker) & Marie-Luise Popp (Speaker)
2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Prosody of classic garden path sentences: The horse raced faster when embedded
Nino Grillo (Keynote/plenary speaker), Miriam Aguilar (Speaker), Leah Roberts (Speaker), Andrea Santi (Speaker) & Giuseppina Turco (Speaker)
14 Jun 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Gradience and categoricity in s-retraction: An ultrasound study of Manchester English
Stephen Nichols (Speaker) & George Bailey (Speaker)
14 Apr 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
On pure focus movement in Syntax - Observations from Limbum
Imke Driemel (Speaker) & Jude Nformi (Speaker)
2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Two types of Focus in Limbum
Laura Becker (Speaker), Imke Driemel (Speaker) & Jude Nformi (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Focus strategies in Limbum
Laura Becker (Speaker), Imke Driemel (Speaker) & Jude Nformi (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Variable verb positions in German exclamatives
Imke Driemel (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Agreement Alternations with Quantified Nouns in Serbo-Croatian
Imke Driemel (Speaker) & Jelena Stojkovic (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Forensic voice comparison: man, machine... or both?
Vincent Hughes (Invited speaker)
18 Sept 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk
Language change in the metropolis: a sociohistorical account of London’s Cockney and its successors. Given at Seventh International Conference on Language Variation in Europe, 25/06/13 → 28/06/13, Trondheim, Norway
Paul Kerswill (Speaker), Jenny Cheshire (Speaker), Susan Fox (Speaker) & Eivind Torgersen (Speaker)
28 Jun 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk