Projects per year
- 100 - 150 out of 153 results
Search results
Bethe subalgebras of Yangians and Combinatoris
1/03/11 → 31/07/11
Project: Other project (funded) › Restricted grant
IFIOP, MC IEF Elena Ushakova: Inequalities on Function Spaces and Properties of Integral Operators with Applications
16/08/10 → 15/08/12
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
MATVIR, MC IEF Giuliana Indelicato: Mathematical Virology: A classification of virus architecture and the structural transitions important for maturation and infection
1/05/10 → 30/04/12
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Starch granules as indicators of wild plants at Catal Hoyuk, Turkey
1/03/10 → 30/04/10
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Research Workshop on Mathematical Virology
30/01/10 → 29/01/11
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Methods for mapping from non-preference to preference
1/01/10 → 29/02/12
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Quantum field theory in de Sitter space and related topics
1/01/10 → 31/07/10
Project: Other project (funded) › Restricted grant
Twisted Yangians and finite W-algebras
1/01/10 → 30/06/10
Project: Other project (funded) › Restricted grant
Nonultralocality and new mathematical structures in quantum integrability
MacKay, N., Regelskis, V., Sklyanin, E., Torrielli, A., Vicedo, B. & Young, C.
1/10/09 → 31/03/13
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Optimal Parabolic Subgroups and Tits' Centre Conjecture
20/09/09 → 5/10/09
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Quantum mechanics as a framework for dealing with uncertainty
21/05/09 → 27/05/09
Project: Other project (funded) › Restricted grant
Mentoring African Research in Mathematics - Everitt
1/01/09 → 30/06/12
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Research Visit of Prof Ratcliffe
1/11/08 → 31/07/09
Project: Other project (funded) › Restricted grant
Effective methods in metrical Diophantine approx
1/04/08 → 31/03/10
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Services for Intelligent Mobility Management (SIMM)
1/04/08 → 30/06/09
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Classical metric Diophantine approximation revisited
24/03/08 → 23/07/11
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Inhomogenous approximation on manifolds
15/02/08 → 14/04/11
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Caves, L., Delius, G. W., Sebald, A., Stepney, S., Timmis, J. & Wood, A. J.
7/01/08 → 6/01/11
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
File -
Defects in integrable classical and quantum field
1/01/08 → 31/12/10
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Sheaf homology
Everitt, B. & Turner, P.
1/07/07 → 1/09/07
Project: Other project › Miscellaneous project
Partial mirror symmetry and reflection monoids
11/06/07 → 7/04/08
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Khovanov homology
Everitt, B. & Turner, P.
1/06/07 → 1/08/07
Project: Other project › Miscellaneous project
Some questions related to invariant measures for stochastic Navier Stokes equations
29/11/06 → 28/04/09
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Diophantine Approximation, Quaternions and general kleinian group actions
Everitt, B., Corrigan, E. & Dodson, M. M.
19/11/06 → 10/10/07
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Stability of Inviscid flows through a given domain
1/03/06 → 29/02/08
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Integrability in Conformal Field Theory and Beyond
6/02/06 → 5/02/08
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Ideal&dissipative stability of shock fronts in mag
1/02/06 → 30/06/07
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Geometrical, dynamical and transference principles in non-linear Diophantine approximation and applications
1/10/05 → 30/09/10
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Impurities in Quantum Integrable Systems
1/10/05 → 31/08/07
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
OQP: Operational Quantum Physics
Busch, P. & Lahti, P.
1/08/05 → 31/08/16
Project: Other project › Research collaboration
Markov methods.. local buffering..internet traffic
1/07/05 → 30/09/06
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Explicit Constructions. Integrability and Symmetry
1/07/05 → 30/09/07
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Classical Lie Groups and Quantum Affine Algebras
1/05/05 → 31/07/08
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Mathematical Virology: Assembly Models for Viral Capsids based on Tiling Theory
1/02/05 → 31/01/08
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Mathematical Virology: Virus Capsid Class+Assembly
1/02/05 → 31/12/08
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Quantum Physics of Fields, Boundaries and Gravitat
1/10/04 → 30/09/06
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Automated analysis of crystallisation experiments
20/09/04 → 19/09/07
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Novel Method - Matching Across Multiple Data Sets
1/03/04 → 31/10/04
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Agreement No. 4135331
1/07/03 → 30/06/04
Project: Research project (funded) › Research