Projects per year
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Integrated Quantum Networks (IQN) Hub
Lucamarini, M. (Principal investigator), Colbeck, R. (Co-investigator), Kumar, R. (Co-investigator) & Pirandola, S. (Co-investigator)
1/12/24 → 30/11/29
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
SNSCHEs: Mathematical analysis of binary fluid mixtures
Brzezniak, Z. (Principal investigator)
8/10/24 → 7/10/26
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Geometry of very stable and wobbly bundles
Wilkin, G. P. D. (Principal investigator) & Peon Nieto, A. (Co-investigator)
1/10/24 → 30/09/25
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Isaac Newton Institute Satellite Programme "Geometrical and Categorical Lie Theory"
Bowman-Scargill, C., Geranios, H. & Bate, M.
1/09/24 → 31/08/25
Project: Other project › Miscellaneous project
EPSRC IAA: Can new ways of working boost the diversity of early career researchers in STEM areas of academia?
Gould, V. (Principal investigator) & Jenkins, A. K. L. (Researcher)
30/07/24 → 1/03/25
Project: Other project (funded) › Restricted grant
Semiclassical gravity: conceptual and mathematical foundations
Juarez Aubry, B. A. (Principal investigator)
1/07/24 → 30/06/29
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
The density of rational points near manifolds and applications
Beresnevich, V. (Principal investigator)
1/05/24 → 30/04/27
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
CellPhe 2: Machine learning-based phenotyping to predict cell fate in heterogeneous populations
Brackenbury, W. (Principal investigator), O'Toole, P. J. (Co-investigator) & Wilson, J. C. (Co-investigator)
1/02/24 → 31/07/25
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
EPSRC IAA - Industrial Engagement with BAE Systems
27/11/23 → 31/03/25
Project: Other project (funded) › Restricted grant
Symmetry and measurement: a foundation for semi-local quantum physics
Rejzner, K. (Principal investigator) & Fewster, C. (Co-investigator)
1/11/23 → 31/10/26
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
EPSRC IAA - A platform technology for optimising cargo packaging in gene therapy - version 2
Twarock, R. (Principal investigator)
1/09/23 → 31/03/25
Project: Other project (funded) › Restricted grant
Asymptotic approximation of the large-scale structure of turbulence in axisymmetric jets: a first principle jet noise prediction method
Koshuriyan, Z. (Principal investigator) & Bees, M. A. (Co-investigator)
1/02/23 → 31/01/26
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
NeST Programme Grant
Knight, M. I. (Principal investigator)
1/12/22 → 30/11/28
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Problems In Modular Representation Theory Of General Linear Groups (Renewal)
Geranios, H. (Principal investigator)
1/10/22 → 30/09/26
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Structural & Functional Investigations of Hepatitis B Virus Pol Activity in a Native-like Context
Twarock, R. (Principal investigator)
1/07/22 → 30/06/25
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
DFG project - Overgroups of distinguished unipotent elements in reductive groups
Bate, M. (Co-investigator), Röhrle, G. (Principal investigator) & Martin, B. (Co-investigator)
1/04/22 → 31/03/25
Project: Other project › Research collaboration
The structure of symplectic quiver Hecke algebras
7/03/22 → 6/03/25
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Pyramids of Life: Working with nature for a sustainable future (NERC SPF-SMMR)
Pitchford, J. (Principal investigator), Delius, G. W. (Co-investigator) & Stewart, B. D. (Co-investigator)
1/10/21 → 31/07/25
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
Tensor and wreath products of symmetric groups
Bowman-Scargill, C. (Principal investigator)
4/05/21 → 3/05/26
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
The EPSRC Quantum Communications Hub 2019-24
Spiller, T. P. (Principal investigator), Colbeck, R. (Co-investigator) & Pirandola, S. (Co-investigator)
1/12/19 → 30/11/25
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
David Simmons - RS URF - Nonstandard applications of Schmidt's game to Diophantine approximation
Simmons, D. S. (Principal investigator)
8/04/19 → 27/06/25
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
BTG AMR: EPSRC Bridging the Gaps Anti-Microbial Resistance
18/04/15 → …
Project: Other project › Research collaboration
C2D2 engagement 3a - Virology in Art and Design
Twarock, R. (Principal investigator) & Thomas, B. (Co-investigator)
4/08/14 → …
Project: Other project › Other internal award
Relations between the Epstein-Glaser and the Connes-Kreimer approach to renormalization in QFT
Rejzner, K. (Co-investigator) & Agarwala, S. (Co-investigator)
6/07/12 → …
Project: Other project › Research collaboration
Mathematical structures in QFT: combinatorics, Hopf algebras and functional analysis
Rejzner, K. (Co-investigator), Frabetti, A. (Co-investigator), Brouder, C. (Co-investigator), Dabrowski, Y. (Co-investigator), Manchon, D. (Co-investigator) & Dang, V. (Co-investigator)
2/04/12 → …
Project: Other project › Research collaboration
Quantum gravity from the point of view of locally covariant quantum field theory
Rejzner, K. (Co-investigator), Fredenhagen, K. (Co-investigator), Brunetti, R. (Co-investigator), Hack, T. (Co-investigator) & Pinamonti, N. (Co-investigator)
1/10/09 → …
Project: Other project › Research collaboration