Activities per year
- 44 results
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Consulted for evaluation of German development assistance to Iraq, 2014-2019
Jacob Eriksson (Advisor)
28 Oct 2020Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
On the human rights frontline: How the UK Government can defend the defenders
Piergiuseppe Parisi (Consultant)
2020 → 2021Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Consulted for Joint Analysis of Conflict and Stability (JACS) for Iraq
Jacob Eriksson (Advisor)
26 Oct 2018Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Written evidence to Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, ‘Environmental Principles and Governance after EU Exit’ consultation.
Neil Thomas Carter (Advisor)
1 Jun 2018Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Written evidence to National Assembly for Wales, Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee and the External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee, ‘The EU (Withdrawal) Bill and its implications for Wales’,
Neil Thomas Carter (Advisor)
4 Sept 2017Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader of the systematic review ‘What is the evidence to support sustainable scale-up of low-cost private schools in South and West Asia, in particular in Afghanistan and Pakistan?’
Sultan Barakat (Consultant)
May 2011 → Aug 2012Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader of ‘The Study of National Solidarity Programme’s Impact on IDP/Refugee Returnee Reintegration in Afghanistan’
Sultan Barakat (Consultant)
Mar 2011 → Nov 2011Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader of the systematic review ‘What is the track record of Multi-Donor Trust Funds in improving aid effectiveness?’
Sultan Barakat (Consultant)
Sept 2010 → Jul 2011Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Project Management and Quality Assurance of the Institutional Evaluation of the Yemen Social Fund for Development
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
Nov 2009Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader of ‘Training for Municipal Officials on Peace Building and Conflict Prevention Methodologies’
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
Jul 2009 → Dec 2009Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader of a Humanitarian Needs Assessment of Sa’ada Governorate, Yemen
Sultan Barakat (Consultant)
Mar 2009 → Aug 2009Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader of a study of Gulf States’ Responses to Humanitarian Emergencies
Sultan Barakat (Consultant)
Jan 2009 → …Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader of a study, ‘Housing Compensation and Emergency Preparedness in Southern Lebanon’
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
Jan 2009 → Sept 2009Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader of the Mid-Term Evaluation of the NATO Trust Fund Programme for Assistance to Redundant Military Personnel in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
Jul 2008 → Sept 2008Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Output Leader to the Strategic Conflict Assessment team of DFID’s ‘Understanding Afghanistan’ initiative
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
Mar 2008 → Aug 2008Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Senior Advisor on the future of the UK’s response to disasters and emergences
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
May 2007 → Jun 2007Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Senior Advisor to Tiri’s Integrity in Reconstruction Programme
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
Jan 2007 → Dec 2009Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Senior Advisor to evaluate the governance of humanitarian and recovery-oriented activities in Darfur
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
Jul 2006Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Senior Advisor to CARE Nederland in Egypt for the Water and Stability Action Research Project
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
Jun 2006 → Dec 2008Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Senior Advisor to UNDP country office in Nepal to assess the viability of a new programme for post-conflict recovery zones
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
May 2006Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Team Co-Leader (with Professor Gerd Junne) for a joint Amsterdam and York universities evaluation of six international NGOs (and their local papers)
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
2006Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader for the mid-term evaluation of the US$600 million National Solidarity Programme in Afghanistan.
Sultan Barakat (Consultant)
Oct 2005 → Mar 2006Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Senior Advisor to the Afghan Red Crescent and IFRC on the challenge of sustaining their health service networks in post-conflict in Kabul and various regions in Afghanistan
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
May 2004Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader for a major study on mapping conflict in Uganda and deciding on how best decentralization and conflict resolution mechanisms could be supported in order to address root causes and induce local development.
Sultan Barakat (Consultant)
Nov 2003 → Jul 2004Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator for the British Council-sponsored study on ‘Rebuilding Trust with the Muslim World in the aftermath of 9/11.’
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
Oct 2003 → Sept 2004Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader for an EU-sponsored capacity building training programme for senior members of the Afghan public administration and civil servants
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
Dec 2002 → Feb 2003Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Team Member of a British Council-supported ‘Academic Link and Research on the Equitisation of State Owned Enterprises in Vietnam’
Sultan Barakat (Consultant)
Apr 2002 → Apr 2008Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader to the ‘Women in Parliament Project’
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
Feb 2002 → Aug 2002Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Member for ILO, ‘Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction’
Sultan Barakat (Consultant)
Dec 2001Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader for an ‘Audit on the Capacities of Humanitarian Governmental and Non-Governmental Organisations to Engage in Conflict-Sensitive Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Efforts in North and East of Sri Lanka’
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
14 Apr 2001 → 1 May 2001Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator for a research programme on the ‘Reintegration of Ex-combatants in Kosovo’
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
Aug 2000 → Aug 2001Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader for a joint World Bank – IFRC and Red Crescent Societies study on the rehabilitation of the health sector in Somalia (Puntland and Somaliland).
Sultan Barakat (Consultant)
Apr 2000 → Apr 2004Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader for the in-country conflict prevention activities of the HDC in Aceh Province, Indonesia
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
Nov 1999 → Apr 2000Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader of training of architects and planners on action planning for the rehabilitation of the old city of Dubai
Sultan Barakat (Consultant)
Sept 1998 → Oct 1998Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader for the PRDU's contribution to the preparation of the ‘Regional Socio-Economic Development Programme for the South of Lebanon’
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
Aug 1998 → Aug 1999Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader for a training of district planners from the North and North-East war stricken districts of Sri-Lanka on action-planning for rehabilitation and on linking relief to development.
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
Sept 1997Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Co-Leader (jointly with Arlene Fleming) of an action planning workshop on the ‘Integration of Cultural Heritage in the Disaster Preparedness Planning in Eastern Europe'
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
Sept 1997Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Member for the preparation and publication of a common agenda on the ‘Role of Aid in Local Peace-Building in Afghanistan’
Sultan Barakat (Consultant)
Aug 1997 → Mar 1998Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader for the preparation of training curriculum and the planning of training workshops on linking relief to development (jointly with Oxford Centre for Disaster Studies)
Sultan Barakat (Consultant)
Jun 1997 → Sept 1998Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Chair of the experts group approved by the Bosnian Parliament to oversee the implementation of the reconstruction and revitalisation of the historic settlement of Pocitelj project
Sultan Barakat (Consultant)
1997Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader for the establishment of the Disaster Management Training Centre at the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organisation for Arab and Islamic Relief, Development and Cooperation.
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
1997Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader for the preparation of the ‘1999-2002 Adjumani District Development Plan, Northern Uganda’
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
1997Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader for the multi-national team that studied the reconstruction and revitalisation of the historic settlement of Pocitelj in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
Jun 1996 → Apr 1997Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)
Principle Investigator and Team Leader for a training of Bosnian Planners refugees in Norway on post-war reconstruction to assist in the professional development of Bosnian Planners.
Sultan Barakat (Advisor)
1995 → 1997Activity: Consultancy › Consultancy (in kind)