Activities per year
- 24 results
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If Lived Experience Could Speak: A Method for Repairing Epistemic Violence in Law & The Legal Academy
Rachel López (Invited speaker), Piergiuseppe Parisi (Speaker) & Mattia Pinto (Chair)
27 Sept 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
From domination to emancipation: Bringing political economy and international political sociology to the critique of security
João Nunes (Speaker)
6 Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
PhD Colloquium on the Brazilian elections
João Nunes (Speaker)
3 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
Desafios da educação em saúde global [Challenges of education in global health]
João Nunes (Invited speaker)
17 Aug 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
PANEL 2 - What are the methods that characterise research in environmental humanities that engages the region?
Hanne Dominique Geertrui Jeannine Cottyn (Invited speaker)
27 Jun 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
Brazil 2022: From hate to hope?
João Nunes (Speaker)
28 Apr 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
Security, risk and neglect: The political context of the International Sanitary Regulations
João Nunes (Invited speaker)
26 Apr 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
Book launch: "Emancipar o Mundo: Teoria Crítica e Relações Internacionais"
João Nunes (Speaker)
10 Dec 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
Aspectos teórico-analíticos da interface entre saúde global e sustentabilidade
João Nunes (Invited speaker)
10 Nov 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
York Politics Society Roundtable
João Nunes (Invited speaker)
22 Oct 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
Covid-19: From securitisation to global health security
João Nunes (Speaker)
7 Apr 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
Saúde Global e Medidas Excecionais na Pandemia de Covid-19
João Nunes (Invited speaker)
10 Dec 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
Roundtable: Can COVID-19 be a watershed moment for global (health) inequalities?
João Nunes (Invited speaker)
7 Dec 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
Arctivism against Repression: Resilience, Resistance and Imagination during the Covid-19 Crisis
Piergiuseppe Parisi (Invited speaker)
27 Nov 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
Maternal and child health in the Brazilian Health System
Nunes, J. (Speaker)
30 Oct 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
Global Health Histories Seminar: Global Historical Milestones in primary health care implementation and community health workers
João Nunes (Invited speaker)
5 Mar 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
Invited Presentation at the Brown Bag Seminar in Political Theory
Alasia Nuti (Speaker)
5 Jul 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
Invited Presentation at the LSE Political Philosophy Seminar
Alasia Nuti (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
Protestas masivas y las respuestas de los gobiernos en el marco de la democracia: Modelos conceptuales y aplicaciones en Argentina y Brasil
Alejandro Milciades Pena (Invited speaker)
7 Apr 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
Initiated Presentation at the MANCEPT Seminar in Political Theory
Alasia Nuti (Speaker)
2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
Unpacking public opinion: Britons, the EU and the referendum
Sofia Vasilopoulou (Speaker)
14 Sept 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar
Putting the Peaces Back Together? The Contestability of Peace Processes in Northern Ireland
Audra Lynne Mitchell (Invited speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Seminar