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Qaisar Abbas
- Theatre, Film, TV and Interactive Media - Early Career Fellowship, Future employee
Person: Research
Mary Afi Dela Abboah-Offei
- The Hull York Medical School - Research Associate, Former employee
Person: Research
Gamal Abdelmonem
- Department of Architecture and the Built Environment - Chair in Architecture&Founding Director
Person: Academic
Adolf Akwei Acquaye
- Stockholm Environment Institute at York - Research Associate, Former employee
Person: Research
Jane Adam
- The Hull York Medical School - Medical U/g Prog Development O, Former employee
Person: Academic
Natalie Elizabeth Adams
- The Hull York Medical School - Posdoctoral Research Associate, Former employee
Person: Research
Marjolein Admiraal
- Archaeology - Research Associate Archaeological Chem, Former employee
Person: Research
Sohail Ahmad
- Environment and Geography - Lecturer in Sustainable Cities, Former employee
Person: Academic
Jonathan Maxwell Aitken
- Computer Science - Research Associate-D_MILS project, Former employee
Person: Research