Andrey Andreyev

Andrey Andreyev


Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

1. Low-energy Fission in "Terra Incognita"
2. Laser-assisted nuclear spectroscopy in the lead region at ISOLDE (CERN)

Personal profile

Research interests


  • Since April 2023 -present: Invited Researcher in the Group for Heavy Elements Science, Tokai-mura, Japan,
  • 2012-2022: Invited Head of the Group for Heavy Elements science, at Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA, Tokai,  Japan),
  • October 2022-Sep 2023, Scientific Associate at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Sep 2022: Research Visitor at KEK, Japan High Energy Organization
  • Since 2016 - present: Member of the Steering Committee for the SSRI-PNS Collaboration at RIKEN (Japan),
  • 2020: 3-months China's Academy of Science (CAS) Presidential fellowship (PIFI) for the stay at the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP, Lanzhou)
  • 1 July 2017-30 June 2018 - Scientific Associate at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland)
  • 2016-2020: Member of the International Program Advisory Committee (PAC) for ILL, Grenoble, France
  • 2015-2018: Member of the International Program Advisory Committee (PAC) at RIBF RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan
  • September-October 2014: Visiting Professor, University of Bordeaux, France
  • 2011 - awarded Wolfson Research Merit Award by the Royal Society;

  My research deals with experimental nuclear physics, whereby I try to disentangle the fundamental forces that act in the atomic nucleus by studying nuclei under extreme conditions. Such exotic nuclei are all man-made at accelerators and need to be created in our experiemnts for detailed studies by applying different methods. It is a combination of techniques from nuclear physics (nuclear reactions and decay, ion sources, accelerators, beam manipulation, detectors) and from atomic physics (lasers)  that makes this research so challenging and interesting.  My main areas of the present interest are:

  • Shape coexistence, particle and gamma decay
  • Laser-assisted nuclear decay studies, charge radii measurements
  • Fission and Beta-delayed fission
  • Transfer and Coulex reactions
  • Atomic structure studies with radioactive beams


External positions

Invited Researcher, Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Ibaraki 319-1195, JAPAN.

1 Apr 2023 → …

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or
  • New Type of Asymmetric Fission in Proton-Rich Nuclei

    Andreyev, A. N., Elseviers, J., Huyse, M., Van Duppen, P., Antalic, S., Barzakh, A., Bree, N., Cocolios, T. E., Comas, V. F., Diriken, J., Fedorov, D., Fedosseev, V., Franchoo, S., Heredia, J. A., Ivanov, O., Koester, U., Marsh, B. A., Nishio, K., Page, R. D. & Patronis, N. & 12 others, Seliverstov, M., Tsekhanovich, I., Van den Bergh, P., Van De Walle, J., Venhart, M., Vermote, S., Veselsky, M., Wagemans, C., Ichikawa, T., Iwamoto, A., Moeller, P. & Sierk, A. J., 14 Dec 2010, In: Physical Review Letters. 105, 25, p. 1-5 5 p., ARTN 252502.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Measurement of the first ionization potential of astatine by laser ionization spectroscopy

    Rothe, S., Andreyev, A., Antalic, S., Borschevsky, A., Capponi, L., Cocolios, T. E., De Witte, H., Eliav, E., Fedorov, D. V., Fedosseev, V. N., Fink, D. A., Fritzsche, S., Ghys, L., Huyse, M., Imai, N., Kaldor, U., Kudryavtsev, Y., Koster, U., Lane, J. F. W. & Lassen, J., 2013, In: Nature Communications. 4, p. 1-6 6 p., 1835.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Attempt to synthesize the proton-unbound 182,183Bi isotopes

    Huang, H., Wu, H. Y., Guo, C. Y., Zhang, W. Q., Zeng, Q. B., Wang, D. X., Liu, Z., Li, Z. H., Andreyev, A. N., Antalic, S., Andel, B., Sitarifmmode celse čík, A., Hua, H., Yu, X. H., Zhou, Z. X., Wang, X., Lu, H. Y., Gan, Z. G., Zhang, Z. Y. & Ma, L. & 19 others, Huang, M. H., Yang, H. B., Zhang, M. M., Wen, X. J., Li, G. S., Zeng, F. F., Xu, X. X., Liu, J. J., Jian, H., Zhu, H. F., Gao, Q. R., Qin, Z., Wang, J. R., Jia, Z. M., Cao, S. W., Zhai, P. F., Li, Y. J., Zhou, X. H. & Zhang, F. S., 24 Jul 2024, In: Phys. Rev. C. 110, 8 p., 014326.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access