Ben Keane

Dr, Dr, Dr

Former affiliations

Personal profile

Research interests

Ecosystem processes, carbon and nitrogen cycling, greenhouse gas fluxes, plant-soil-atmosphere interactions, sustainable food production, climate change

Employment History

Mar 2016                                             PDRA

University of York

NERC GREENHOUSE project. Deployed automated SkyLine2D system for GHG measurement in different land covers, investigating temporal and spatial upscaling.

Nov 2015- Feb 2016                        PDRA

University of York

Horizon 2020. Tasked with opening up new channels for research funding for the University of York, to develop contacts with research groups who had previously obtained EU funding.

May – Nov 2015                               PDRA

University of York

NERC GREENHOUSE project. Deployed automated SkyLine2D system for GHG measurement in different land covers, investigating temporal and spatial upscaling.

Sep 2014- Apr 2015                         Research Technician

University of York


Investigating the effect of soil compaction and biochar amendment on the fluxes of N2O, CO2 and CH4 from agricultural soils using laboratory incubations. Supervision of undergraduate project work.


Jul- Sep 2014                                      Technician

ADAS Agricultural Consultancy


Collection of field and lab-based data from large-scale agricultural trials: recording environmental variables, disease occurrence, and physiological properties.

Oct 2011- Jul 2014                           Demonstrator

University of York


Assisted teaching on undergraduate and Masters’ degree modules, including field work and project supervision.

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or