Charlotte Jennie Burns

Charlotte Jennie Burns


Former affiliations

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

I am happy to supervise students interested in environmental politics and policy at local, national, European and international levels.

Personal profile

Research interests

I am interested in the factors shaping environmental resilience in the face of external challenges. More specifically what puts environmental policy goals at risk and what enables them to withstand change and be resilient? My background is in studying decision-making and EU environmental politics and policy, with a specific focus upon the European Parliament.  I am currently engaged in two main projects: one analysing the impact of the global economic crisis upon European environmental policy funded by the Leverhulme Trust; and one focussing upon the implications of Brexit for UK and EU environmental policy funded by the ESRC. I am a research leader for the UK in Changing Europe programme focussing upon environmental policy.


  • JN101 Great Britain
  • GE Environmental Sciences