Colin Michael Beale

Colin Michael Beale


Former affiliations

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

I'm always interested in hearing from self-motivated students with research interests that complement mine. Conservation and biodiversity research questions are the most exciting, and I'm always interested in projects that branch disciplines and require co-supervision from a range of individuals. I enjoy supervising projects that combine field research with rigorous statistical analysis.

Personal profile

Research interests

I am an ecologist with broad interests in spatial patterns and conservation biology. Research in my group covers a wide range of subjects, but development and application of novel quantitative methods, particularly those involving spatial analyses, are a unifying theme whether working in the field or using derived datasets. Together, members of my lab work on projects both fundamental and applied, in the UK and overseas. In the UK we are working both to understand the fundamental demographic processes that generate range limits and to apply this knowledge to predict impacts from climate change, whilst in Africa we are studying both the fundamental drivers of the savannah biome and undertaking applied research to reduce illegal activities in protected areas.

 Current group members are:

 Post-doctoral / research fellows

PhD Students

  • Hien Luong - Biodiversity finance
  • Charlie Le Marquand - Woodland, predators and ground nesting birds
  • Molly Brown - Demand management of the ivory trade in SE Asia
  • Tiffany Ki - Patterns of endemism in Sulawesi butterflies
  • Shuyu Deng - Global patterns in biodiversity
  • Helen Milne - Social networks of the African Elephant
  • Louisa Mamalis - Conseriving the Giant Ibis
  • Joris Wiethase - Identifying the mechanistic links between savannah degradation and bird distribution change.

MSc Students

  • Tom Gale - Stopover ecology of Common Snipe on North Ronaldsay

  Past Members:

  • Jacob Davies - Spatial demography underlying range change in the Reed Warbler
  • Natasha Peters - Conservation of African Vultures
  • Dr Chris Wheatley - Distribution changes in Colombian biodiversity
  • James Probert   Fire and biodiversity in the Serengeti ecosystem.
  • Alfan Rija - Reducing illegal activities in Tanzania
  • Dr Patricia Ryser-Welch - worked on programme SMART conservation software plug-in
  • Duncan Lister (MSc) Distribution and abundance changes of mammals in Queen Elizabeth NP, Uganda
  • Simina Adamescu (MSc) - Phenology of African forests
  • Alex Lobora (PhD) - Elephant corridors in southern Tanzania.
  • Justin Byrne (MSc) - Range limits among bird communities of the Albertine Rift

 Research collaborators

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or