No photo of Fatma Faisal Saad Said

Fatma Faisal Saad Said


Former affiliation

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

Arabic language in interaction, Early language development, Heritage language studies, Language Socialisation, Family language policy and language Ideology.

Personal profile

Research interests

My principal research interests lie in the field of applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, and Interactional Sociolinguistics (IS). Broadly, I am interested in naturally occurring conversation with a special emphasis on bilingual and multilingual language use/preferences.

My PhD research focused on how Arabic-English speaking multilingual children and their parents/caregivers chose and used their languages and dialects. The research emphasis was on what speakers' choice of code may index in interaction and how children come to learn how to do this. I also analyse how children are socialised into their cultural practices (language socialisation) and how they enact agency through strategic and creative language use during conversation with their parents.  In this study I also explored broadly the areas of language ideology, family language policy, language maintenance and language and emotion.

My present research follows on from my PhD and focuses on how bilingual children acquire and use their multiple languages within the home-setting. More specifically I am interested in how we can measure children's linguistic development through analysing their interaction with other people in their homes and how this natural interaction assists them in learning language(s). My main interest is in how bilingually raised children go on to use that language and subsequently maintain it.

My secondary research interest is in communication in health and educational settings with a focus on how power and solidarity are negotiated between institutional and non-institutional member speakers during conversation.


  • PJ Semitic
  • Arabic
  • P Philology. Linguistics
  • Sociolinguistics
  • L Education (General)