No photo of George Genghis O'Neill

George Genghis O'Neill


Former affiliation

Search results

  • 2023

    Deformation versus Sphericity in the Ground States of the Lightest Gold Isotopes

    Cubiss, J. G., Andreyev, A. N., Barzakh, A. E., Van Duppen, P., Hilaire, S., Péru, S., Goriely, S., Al Monthery, M., Althubiti, N. A., Andel, B., Antalic, S., Atanasov, D., Blaum, K., Cocolios, T. E., Day Goodacre, T., de Roubin, A., Farooq-Smith, G. J., Fedorov, D. V., Fedosseev, V. N. & Fink, D. A. & 31 others, Gaffney, L. P., Ghys, L., Harding, R. D., Huyse, M., Imai, N., Joss, D. T., Kreim, S., Lunney, D., Lynch, K. M., Manea, V., Marsh, B. A., Martinez Palenzuela, Y., Molkanov, P. L., Neidherr, D., O'Neill, G. G., Page, R. D., Prosnyak, S. D., Rosenbusch, M., Rossel, R. E., Rothe, S., Schweikhard, L., Seliverstov, M. D., Sels, S., Skripnikov, L. V., Stott, A., Van Beveren, C., Verstraelen, E., Welker, A., Wienholtz, F., Wolf, R. N. & Zuber, K., 14 Nov 2023, In: Physical Review Letters. 131, 8 p., 202501.

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    Open Access
  • Quadrupole and octupole collectivity in the semi-magic nucleus 80206Hg126

    Morrison, L., Hadyńska-Klȩk, K., Podolyák, Z., Gaffney, L. P., Zielińska, M., Brown, B. A., Grawe, H., Stevenson, P. D., Berry, T., Boukhari, A., Brunet, M., Canavan, R., Catherall, R., Cederkäll, J., Colosimo, S. J., Cubiss, J. G., Witte, H. D., Doherty, D. T., Fransen, C. & Georgiev, G. & 24 others, Giannopoulos, E., Górska, M., Hess, H., Kaya, L., Kröll, T., Lalović, N., Marsh, B., Palenzuela, Y. M., O'Neill, G., Pakarinen, J., Ramos, J. P., Reiter, P., Rodriguez, J. A., Rosiak, D., Rothe, S., Rudigier, M., Siciliano, M., Simpson, E. C., Snall, J., Spagnoletti, P., Thiel, S., Warr, N., Wenander, F. & Zidarova, R., 4 Jan 2023, (Accepted/In press) In: Physics Letters B. 1 p., 137675.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • 2021

    Laser-assisted nuclear decay spectroscopy of 176,177,179Au

    Harding, R. D., Andreyev, A. N., Barzakh, A. E., Cubiss, J. G., Van Duppen, P., Al Monthery, M., Althubiti, N. A., Andel, B., Antalic, S., Cocolios, T. E., Goodacre, T. D., Dockx, K., Farooq-Smith, G. J., Fedorov, D. V., Fedosseev, V. N., Fink, D. A., Gaffney, L. P., Ghys, L., Johnson, J. D. & Joss, D. T. & 14 others, Huyse, M., Imai, N., Lynch, K. M., Marsh, B. A., Martinez Palenzuela, Y., Molkanov, P. L., O'Neill, G. G., Page, R. D., Rossel, R. E., Rothe, S., Seliverstov, M. D., Sels, S., Van Beveren, C. & Verstraelen, E., 23 Aug 2021, In: Physical Review C. 104, 16 p., 024326.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • 2020

    Coulomb Excitation of Proton-rich N = 80 Isotones at HIE-ISOLDE

    Kern, R., Zidarova, R., Pietralla, N., Rainovski, G., Gaffney, L. P., Blazhev, A., Boukhari, A., Cederkäll, J., Cubiss, J. G., Djongolov, M., Fransen, C., Gladnishki, K., Giannopoulos, E., Hess, H., Jolie, J., Karayonchev, V., Kaya, L., Keatings, J. M., Kocheva, D. & Kröll, T. & 18 others, Möller, O., O'Neill, G. G., Pakarinen, J., Reiter, P., Rosiak, D., Scheck, M., Snall, J., Söderström, P. A., Spagnoletti, P., Stegmann, R., Stoyanova, M., Thiel, S., Vogt, A., Warr, N., Welker, A., Werner, V., Wiederhold, J. & Witte, H. D., 28 May 2020, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1555, 1, 8 p., 012027.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Dealing with contaminants in Coulomb excitation of radioactive beams

    Morrison, L., Hadyńska-Klȩk, K., Podolyák, Z., Gaffney, L. P., Kaya, L., Berry, T., Boukhari, A., Brunet, M., Canavan, R., Catherall, R., Colosimo, S. J., Cubiss, J. G., Witte, H. D., Doherty, D. T., Fransen, C., Giannopoulos, E., Grawe, H., Hess, H., Kröll, T. & Lalović, N. & 18 others, Marsh, B., Martinez Palenzuela, Y., O'Neill, G., Pakarinen, J., Ramos, J. P., Reiter, P., Rodriguez, J. A., Rosiak, D., Rothe, S., Rudigier, M., Siciliano, M., Simpson, E. C., Spagnoletti, P., Thiel, S., Warr, N., Wenander, F., Zidarova, R. & Zielińska, M., 23 Dec 2020, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1643, 1, 6 p., 012146.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Laser-assisted decay spectroscopy and mass spectrometry of $^178Au$

    Cubiss, J. G., Andreyev, A. N., Barzakh, A. E., Manea, V., Monthery, M. A., Althubiti, N. A., Andel, B., Antalic, S., Atanasov, D., Blaum, K., Cocolios, T. E., Goodacre, T. D., de Roubin, A., Farooq-Smith, G. J., Fedorov, D. V., Fedosseev, V. N., Fink, D. A., Gaffney, L. P., Ghys, L. & Harding, R. D. & 27 others, Herfurth, F., Huyse, M., Imai, N., Joss, D. T., Kreim, S., Lunney, D., Lynch, K. M., Marsh, B. A., Palenzuela, Y. M., Molkanov, P. L., Neidherr, D., O'Neill, G. G., Page, R. D., Rosenbusch, M., Rossel, R. E., Rothe, S., Schweikhard, L., Seliverstov, M. D., Sels, S., Stott, A., Van Beveren, C., Van Duppen, P., Verstraelen, E., Welker, A., Wienholtz, F., Wolf, R. N. & Zuber, K., 30 Oct 2020, In: Phys. Rev. C. 102, p. 044332 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Population of lead isotopes in binary reactions using a Rb 94 radioactive beam

    Čolović, P., Szilner, S., Illana, A., Valiente-Dobón, J. J., Corradi, L., Pollarolo, G., Mijatović, T., Goasduff, A., Benzoni, G., Borge, M. J. G., Boso, A., Boukhari, A., Ceruti, S., Cubiss, J. G., De Angelis, G., De Witte, H., Fioretto, E., Fransen, C., Galtarossa, F. & Gaffney, L. P. & 21 others, Giannopoulos, E., Hess, H., Jurado-Gomez, M. L., Kaya, L., Kröll, T., Marchi, T., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Napoli, D. R., O'Neill, G., Pakarinen, J., Podolyák, Z., Recchia, F., Reiter, P., Rosiak, D., Snall, J., Spagnoletti, P., Testov, D., Thiel, S., Warr, N. & Zidarova, R., 19 Nov 2020, In: Physical Review C. 102, 5, 8 p., 054609.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Quadrupole deformation of $^130Xe$ measured in a Coulomb-excitation experiment

    Morrison, L., Hadyifmmode nelse ńska-Klifmmode ęelse ęk, K., Podolyák, Z., Doherty, D. T., Gaffney, L. P., Kaya, L., Próchniak, L., Samorajczyk-Pyifmmode selse śk, J., Srebrny, J., Berry, T., Boukhari, A., Brunet, M., Canavan, R., Catherall, R., Colosimo, S. J., Cubiss, J. G., De Witte, H., Fransen, C., Giannopoulos, E. & Hess, H. & 21 others, Kröll, T., Laloviifmmode celse ć, N., Marsh, B., Palenzuela, Y. M., Napiorkowski, P. J., O'Neill, G., Pakarinen, J., Ramos, J. P., Reiter, P., Rodriguez, J. A., Rosiak, D., Rothe, S., Rudigier, M., Siciliano, M., Snäll, J., Spagnoletti, P., Thiel, S., Warr, N., Wenander, F., Zidarova, R. & Zieliifmmode nelse ńska, M., 3 Nov 2020, In: Phys. Rev. C. 102, 13 p., 054304.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Restoring the valence-shell stabilization in 140 Nd

    Kern, R., Zidarova, R., Pietralla, N., Rainovski, G., Stegmann, R., Blazhev, A., Boukhari, A., Cederkäll, J., Cubiss, J. G., Djongolov, M., Fransen, C., Gaffney, L. P., Gladnishki, K., Giannopoulos, E., Hess, H., Jolie, J., Karayonchev, V., Kaya, L., Keatings, J. M. & Kocheva, D. & 18 others, Kröll, T., Möller, O., O'Neill, G. G., Pakarinen, J., Reiter, P., Rosiak, D., Scheck, M., Snall, J., Söderström, P.-A., Spagnoletti, P., Stoyanova, M., Thiel, S., Vogt, A., Warr, N., Welker, A., Werner, V., Wiederhold, J. & De Witte, H., 16 Oct 2020, In: Physical Review C. 102, 6 p., 041304(R).

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access