- 4 results
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Soil moisture, temperature and bulk density and earthworm abundance and biomass along transects in arable fields and ley strips in farms in North Yorkshire, England
Prendergast-Miller, M. T. (Creator) & Hodson, M. E. (Creator), NERC EIDC, 31 Jul 2010
DOI: 10.5285/2c84ae3f-f785-4151-8efb-6a1598fd5a65
Soil moisture, temperature and bulk density and earthworm abundance and biomass along transects from hedges into arable fields, pasture fields, ley strips established in arable fields and arable strips established in pasture fields at a farm in West Yorkshire.
Prendergast-Miller, M. T. (Creator) & Hodson, M. E. (Creator), NERC EIDC, 4 Oct 2019
DOI: 10.5285/8ac670c7-17d8-433f-847c-170eeeb3ee47
Concentrations of plant growth promoting compounds in soils and hydroponics due to the interaction of plants and earthworms
High, K. E. (Creator), Ashton, P. D. (Creator), Nelson, M. (Creator), Rylott, E. L. (Creator), Thomas-Oates, J. E. (Creator) & Hodson, M. E. (Creator), NERC EIDC, 23 May 2019
DOI: 10.5285/809cd6e8-0615-45ff-b79b-6ba1ae474713
Soil moisture, temperature and bulk density and earthworm abundance and biomass along transects from hedges into arable fields, pasture fields, ley strips established in arable fields and arable strips established in pasture fields at a farm in West Yorkshire, England (2015-2017)
Prendergast-Miller, M. T. (Creator), Jones, D. T. (Creator), Hodson, M. E. (Creator) & Centre, N. E. E. I. D. (Contributor), NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre, 11 Dec 2019
DOI: 10.5285/d3dcfd8a-918d-48a4-9511-ec832de34636