Roy Derek Sainsbury

Roy Derek Sainsbury


Former affiliations

Personal profile

Research interests

  • Welfare to work
  • Welfare reform and Universal Credit
  • Social security and the labour market
  • Sickness and disability benefits
  • Comparative social security
  • Social security fraud
  • Administration and delivery of benefits
  • Decision making and appeals 




Roy Sainsbury is Professor of Social Policy at the University of York having previously held Director level posts in the Social Policy Research Unit and the Centre for Housing Policy at York. He has been researching welfare and benefits for nearly 30 years and has a strong interest in welfare reform and the future of social security and employment policy, particularly as it affects disabled people. What currently preoccupies him are debates about the pros and cons of a Universal Basic Income and how to close the unacceptably high gap in the employment rates between disabled people and non disabled people.