Sharon Grace

Sharon Grace

Professor, Prof

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

Criminal justice policy and practice
Drug policy and practice
Women drug users
Women offenders with complex needs/vulnerabilities (including drug use)

Personal profile


I am a criminologist with over 30 years experience of research and teaching in the field. My career began at the Home Office Research and Planning Unit where I managed and undertook research on domestic and sexual violence, child victims and witnesses, obscenity, policing and probation. During my first decade at York I was predominantly involved in the development of crime and criminal justice teaching but since 2012, and my move to a research active post,  I have undertaken research on Drug Recovery Wings; effective interventions for drug using women offenders; novel psychoactive substances; and the policing of cannabis, anti-social behaviour and sex work. My key research interests are drug-using women, particularly those involved in the Criminal Justice System; women with complex needs in the CJS (both as victims and offenders); criminal justice policy and practice; and drug policy and treatment.


Research interests


Brown, K., Grace, S. & Redman, S. Policing Vulnerability: The care and control of sex workers through designated police officers 9 Apr 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: British Journal of Criminology.

Grace, S; Lloyd, C and Page, G (2022) ''What discretion do you need?' Factors influencing police decision-making in possession of cannabis offences'. Criminology and Criminal Justice online first 

Grace, S et al (2022) Criminal Women: Gender Matters. Bristol: Bristol University Press.

O'Malley, L and Grace, S (2021) Social capital and co-location: A case study of policing anti-social behaviour. International Journal of Police Science and Management. Vol 23(3), 306-316.

Grace, S; Lloyd, C and Perry, A (2020) The Spice Trail: transitions in synthetic cannabis receptor agonists (SCRAs) use in English prisons and on release. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, Vol 27 (4), 271-281

Brown, K; Redman, S and Grace, S (2019) Policing Vulnerability: Learning from sex work liaison officer role in West Yorkshire Police N8 Policing Research Partnership. 

Lloyd, C; Perry, A and Grace, S (2018) ‘Spice’ use among offenders supervised in Approved Premises and Community Rehabilitation Companies: a preliminary qualitative study. The Kings Fund/University of York.

Lloyd, C.; Page, G.; Grace S. & Sellers. M (2018) Policing Cannabis in North Yorkshire.  N8 Policing Research Partnership Final Report. 

O'Malley, L. and Grace, S (2018) A Short Guide to the Criminal Justice System. Bristol: Policy Press.

Grace, S. (2017) Effective interventions for drug using women offenders: a narrative literature review. Journal of Substance Use Vol 22(6) pp. 664-671

Lloyd, C., Page, G., Liebling, A., Grace, S., Roberts, P., McKeganey, N., Russell, C. & Kougiali, Z. (2017) A short ride on the penal merry-go-round: relationships between prison officers and prisoners within UK Drug Recovery Wings. Prison Service Journal, Vol 230, March, pp 3-14. 

Grace, S., Page, G., Lloyd, C., Templeton, L., Kougali, Z., McKeganey, N., Liebling, A., Roberts, P. & Russell, C. (2016) Establishing a Corstonian continuous care pathway for drug using female prisoners: linking Drug Recovery Wings and Women’s Community Services. Criminology and Criminal Justice. Vol 16(5) pp 602-621. 

McKeganey, N., Russell, C., Hamilton-Barclay, T.,   Barnard, M.,  Page, G., Lloyd, C.,  Grace, S., Templeton, L. & Bain, C. (2016) Meeting the needs of prisoners with a drug or alcohol problem: No mean feat, Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, Vol 23(2) pp120-126. 

Page, G., Templeton, L., Grace, S., Roberts, P., McKeganey, N., Russell, C., Liebling, A., Kougali, Z. & Lloyd, C. (2016) Conspicuous by their abstinence: the limited engagement of heroin users in English and Welsh Drug Recovery Wings. International Journal of Drug Policy, Vol 29, pp 49-56. 

Norman, J., Grace, S. and Lloyd, C. (2014) 'Legal high groups on the internet - The creation of new organized deviant groups?', Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 21(1), 14-23. 

O’Malley, L and Grace, S (2011) ‘Children, crime and illegal drug use’ in Bradshaw, J  (ed) (3rd edition) The Well-being of Children in the UK. Bristol: Policy Press. pp.235-260, 2011    

Harris, J. and Grace, S. (1999) ‘A question of evidence? Investigating and prosecuting rape in the 1990s.’ Home Office Research Study No 196. London: Home Office.

Grace, S. (1996) ‘Testing obscenity: an international comparison of laws and controls relating to obscene material.’ Home Office Research Study No 157. London: Home Office.

Grace, S. (1996) ‘Public attitudes to drug-related crime.’ Home Office Research Findings No 41. London: Home Office.

Grace, S. (1995) ‘Policing Domestic Violence in the 1990s.’ Home Office Research Study No. 139. London: Home Office.

Grace, S. (1994) ‘Resisting sexual assault: a review of the literature’. in Home Office Research Bulletin No 34. London: Home Office.

Grace, S.; Lloyd, C. and Smith, L. (1992) ‘Rape: from recording to conviction’. Home Office Research and Planning Unit Paper No 71. London: Home Office.

Grace, S.(1990) ‘The needs of women prisoners’ in Home Office Research Bulletin No 29. London: Home Office. 


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