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Data for Phaeoexplorer publication: Evolutionary genomics of the emergence of brown algae as key components of coastal ecosystems
Godfroy, O. (Creator), Denoeud, F. (Creator), Cruaud, C. (Creator), Heesch, S. (Creator), Nehr, Z. (Creator), Tadrent, N. (Creator), Couloux, A. (Creator), Brillet-Guéguen, L. (Creator), Delage, L. (Creator), Mckeown, D. (Creator), Motomura, T. (Creator), Sussfeld, D. (Creator), Fan, X. (Creator), Mazéas, L. (Creator), Terrapon, N. (Creator), Barrera-Redondo, J. (Creator), Petroll, R. (Creator), Reynes, L. (Creator), Choi, S.-W. (Creator), Jo, J. (Creator), Uthanumallian, K. (Creator), Bogaert, K. (Creator), Duc, C. (Creator), Ratchinski, P. (Creator), Lipinska, A. (Creator), Noel, B. (Creator), Murphy, E. A. (Creator), Lohr, M. (Creator), Khatei, A. (Creator), Hamon-Giraud, P. (Creator), Vieira, C. (Creator), Akerfors, S. S. (Creator), Akita, S. (Creator), Avia, K. (Creator), Badis, Y. (Creator), Barbeyron, T. (Creator), Belcour, A. (Creator), Berrabah, W. (Creator), Blanquart, S. (Creator), Bouguerba-Collin, A. (Creator), Bringloe, T. (Creator), Cattolico, R. A. (Creator), Cormier, A. (Creator), Cruz De Carvalho, H. (Creator), Dallet, R. (Creator), De Clerck, O. (Creator), Debit, A. (Creator), Denis, E. (Creator), Destombe, C. (Creator), Dinatale, E. (Creator), Dittami, S. (Creator), Drula, E. (Creator), Faugeron, S. (Creator), Got, J. (Creator), Graf, L. (Creator), Groisillier, A. (Creator), Guillemin, M.-L. (Creator), Harms, L. (Creator), Hatchett, W. J. (Creator), Henrissat, B. (Creator), Hoarau, G. (Creator), Jollivet, C. (Creator), Jueterbock, A. (Creator), Kayal, E. (Creator), Kogame, K. (Creator), Le Bars, A. (Creator), Leblanc, C. (Creator), Ley, R. (Creator), Liu, X. (Creator), Lopez, P. J. (Creator), Lopez, P. (Creator), Manirakiza, E. (Creator), Massau, K. (Creator), Mauger, S. (Creator), Mest, L. (Creator), Michel, G. (Creator), Monteiro, C. (Creator), Nagasato, C. (Creator), Nègre, D. (Creator), Pelletier, E. (Creator), Phillips, N. (Creator), Potin, P. (Creator), Rensing, S. A. (Creator), Rousselot, E. (Creator), Rousvoal, S. (Creator), Schroeder, D. (Creator), Scornet, D. (Creator), Siegel, A. (Creator), Tirichine, L. (Creator), Tonon, T. (Creator), Valentin, K. (Creator), Verbruggen, H. (Creator), Weinberger, F. (Creator), Wheeler, G. (Creator), Kawai, H. (Creator), Peters, A. F. (Creator), Yoon, H. S. (Creator), Hervé, C. (Creator), Ye, N. (Creator), Bapteste, E. (Creator), Valero, M. (Creator), Markov, G. V. (Creator), Corre, E. (Creator), Coelho, S. M. (Creator), Wincker, P. (Creator), Aury, J.-M. (Creator), Cock, J. M. (Creator), COCK, J. M. (Contributor), Godfroy, O. (Contributor), Scientifique, C. N. D. L. R. (Contributor) & Genoscope (Contributor), Recherche Data Gouv, 2024
DOI: 10.57745/9u1j85