Thierry Tonon

Thierry Tonon


  • CNAP Lecturer in Algal Biology, CNAP
Former affiliations
  • Research Fellow, CNAP
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Biology

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

If you wish to conduct a self-funded research project in my group, feel free to contact me to discuss potential topics of interest. Please see more information at

Search results

  • Data for Phaeoexplorer publication: Evolutionary genomics of the emergence of brown algae as key components of coastal ecosystems

    Godfroy, O. (Creator), Denoeud, F. (Creator), Cruaud, C. (Creator), Heesch, S. (Creator), Nehr, Z. (Creator), Tadrent, N. (Creator), Couloux, A. (Creator), Brillet-Guéguen, L. (Creator), Delage, L. (Creator), Mckeown, D. (Creator), Motomura, T. (Creator), Sussfeld, D. (Creator), Fan, X. (Creator), Mazéas, L. (Creator), Terrapon, N. (Creator), Barrera-Redondo, J. (Creator), Petroll, R. (Creator), Reynes, L. (Creator), Choi, S.-W. (Creator), Jo, J. (Creator), Uthanumallian, K. (Creator), Bogaert, K. (Creator), Duc, C. (Creator), Ratchinski, P. (Creator), Lipinska, A. (Creator), Noel, B. (Creator), Murphy, E. A. (Creator), Lohr, M. (Creator), Khatei, A. (Creator), Hamon-Giraud, P. (Creator), Vieira, C. (Creator), Akerfors, S. S. (Creator), Akita, S. (Creator), Avia, K. (Creator), Badis, Y. (Creator), Barbeyron, T. (Creator), Belcour, A. (Creator), Berrabah, W. (Creator), Blanquart, S. (Creator), Bouguerba-Collin, A. (Creator), Bringloe, T. (Creator), Cattolico, R. A. (Creator), Cormier, A. (Creator), Cruz De Carvalho, H. (Creator), Dallet, R. (Creator), De Clerck, O. (Creator), Debit, A. (Creator), Denis, E. (Creator), Destombe, C. (Creator), Dinatale, E. (Creator), Dittami, S. (Creator), Drula, E. (Creator), Faugeron, S. (Creator), Got, J. (Creator), Graf, L. (Creator), Groisillier, A. (Creator), Guillemin, M.-L. (Creator), Harms, L. (Creator), Hatchett, W. J. (Creator), Henrissat, B. (Creator), Hoarau, G. (Creator), Jollivet, C. (Creator), Jueterbock, A. (Creator), Kayal, E. (Creator), Kogame, K. (Creator), Le Bars, A. (Creator), Leblanc, C. (Creator), Ley, R. (Creator), Liu, X. (Creator), Lopez, P. J. (Creator), Lopez, P. (Creator), Manirakiza, E. (Creator), Massau, K. (Creator), Mauger, S. (Creator), Mest, L. (Creator), Michel, G. (Creator), Monteiro, C. (Creator), Nagasato, C. (Creator), Nègre, D. (Creator), Pelletier, E. (Creator), Phillips, N. (Creator), Potin, P. (Creator), Rensing, S. A. (Creator), Rousselot, E. (Creator), Rousvoal, S. (Creator), Schroeder, D. (Creator), Scornet, D. (Creator), Siegel, A. (Creator), Tirichine, L. (Creator), Tonon, T. (Creator), Valentin, K. (Creator), Verbruggen, H. (Creator), Weinberger, F. (Creator), Wheeler, G. (Creator), Kawai, H. (Creator), Peters, A. F. (Creator), Yoon, H. S. (Creator), Hervé, C. (Creator), Ye, N. (Creator), Bapteste, E. (Creator), Valero, M. (Creator), Markov, G. V. (Creator), Corre, E. (Creator), Coelho, S. M. (Creator), Wincker, P. (Creator), Aury, J.-M. (Creator), Cock, J. M. (Creator), COCK, J. M. (Contributor), Godfroy, O. (Contributor), Scientifique, C. N. D. L. R. (Contributor) & Genoscope (Contributor), Recherche Data Gouv, 2024
