Yuanjie Yang

Yuanjie Yang


Former affiliation
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Physics

Personal profile

Research interests

Orbital angular momentum (OAM) of light

Generation of novel vortex beams

Optical trapping

Experimental study in gas lasers

Research interests


  1. Y. Yang, Y. Dong, C. Zhao, Y-D. Liu, and Y. Cai, Autocorrelation properties of fully coherent beam with and without orbital angular momentum. Opt. Express, 22: 2925-2932. (2014).
  2. Y. Yang, M. Chen, M. Mazilu, A. Mourka, Y. Liu and K. Dholakia, Effect of the radial and azimuthal mode indices of a partially coherent vortex field upon spatial correlation singularity. New J. Phys. 15: 113053 (2013).
  3. Y. Yang, Y. Dong, C. Zhao and Yangjian Cai, Generation and propagation of an anomalous vortex beam. Opt. Lett. 38: 5418 (2013).
  4. Y. Yang, M. Mazilu, and K. Dholakia, Measuring the orbital angular momentum of partially coherent optical vortices through singularities in their cross-spectral density functions. Opt. Lett. 37: 4949 (2012).
  5. Y. Yang, X. Li, K. Duan. Nonparaxial propagation of vectorial hollow Gaussian beams diffracted at an annular aperture. Opt. Eng. 50 (7)078001 (2011).
  6. Y. Yang, K. Duan, D. Jiang , J. Zhang , Y. Chen, Effect of vectorial nature on spectral anomalies of ultrashort pulsed beams from a hard-edged aperture. Appl. Phys. B, 98(1):125 (2010).
  7. Y. Yang, K. Duan, Spectral anomalies of chirped Gaussian pulses from an annular aperture in the turbulent atmosphere. Opt. Eng. 48(5): 058001 (2009).   
  8. Y. Yang, K. Duan, Y. Li, Anomalous spectral behavior of vectorial apertured ultrashort pulsed beams beyond the paraxial approximation. Opt. Commun. 281 (4): 521 (2008).
  9. Y. Yang, Q. Zou, Y.Li, Spectral shifts and spectral switches of a pulsed Gaussian beam from a rectangular aperture in the far field. J. Mod. Opt. 55(6): 893 (2008).

  10. Y. Yang, Q. Zou, Y.Li, Near-field anomalous spectral behavior in diffraction of a Gaussian pulsed beam from an annular aperture. Appl. Opt. 46 (21): 4667 (2007) .

  11. Y. Yang and Y.Li, Spectral shifts and spectral switches of a pulsed Bessel-Gauss beam from a circular aperture in the far field. Opt. Laser Technol. 39(11): 1478 (2007).
  12. Y. Yang and Y.Li, Far-field spectral characteristics of a space-time dependent Gaussian pulsed beam from an annular aperture. Opt. Eng. 45(11): 118001 (2006).  
  13.  Y Li, M Chen, Z Li, Ji Liu, J Guo, and Y.J. Yang, Study of performance of a He-Ne laser having an annular gain zone. Appl. Opt, 46 (4): 591 (2007).
  14. J.L.Liu, Y.Li, J.P. Guo, M. Chen , Y.J. Yang and et al, Research on Near Field Distributions of Axisymmetric Folded-Combined CO2 Laser. Opt. Eng, 45(7): 074201 (2006). 
  15. Z. Liu, Y. Li, D. Xu, R. Ran, Y.J. Yang and et al, A Dual-wavelength Oscillation-amplify TEA CO2 Laser with Space Overlapped Pulses. Laser and Infrared, 35(4): 250 (in Chinese) (2005). 
  16. Y. Yang and Y. Li, and et al, Experimental Study of a Hot-cell-free CW CO2 Laser on 11μm Wavelength Region Hot Bands. Laser Technology, 30(2): 218 (in Chinese) (2006).
  17. Y. Yang and Y .Li, Research on Intracavity Intensity Enhanced CO2 Laser with Line Selected by Concave Grating, Laser and Infrared, 35(7): 493 (in Chinese) (2005).

Employment History

2015-2016       Postdoctoral research associate

                         Department of Physics

                         University of York, UK

2011-2014       Associate professor

                        School of Astronautics & Aeronautics

                        University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), China

2009-2010       Visiting research fellow

                        School of Physics & Astronomy

                        University of St Andrews, UK

2008-2009       Lecturer,

                        School of Astronautics & Aeronautics

                       University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), China