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NIHR HS&DR: Adult social care partnership: Using co-production methods to build and evaluate a regional capacity building network to facilitate greater understanding use and production of research in adult social care
Birks, Y. F., Baxter, K., Weatherly, H. L. A., Wilberforce, M. R. & Jasper, R. E.
1/06/21 → 31/05/25
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
DoH PRP: (PREPARE) 2020 - 2025 Fast response research and analytical facility
Bloor, K. E., Birks, Y. F., Doran, T., Gutacker, N., Holland, S. M., Mason, A. R. & Sheldon, T. A.
1/04/20 → 31/03/25
Project: Research project (funded) › Research
DETERMIND: DETERMinants of quality of life, care and costs, and consequences of INequalities in people with Dementia and their family carers
Birks, Y. F., Baxter, K., Gridley, K. & Maddison, J. R.
1/01/19 → 31/12/24
Project: Research project (funded) › Research