C2D2 Legacy of Thalidomide

Project: Other projectOther internal award

Project Details


In the late 1950s and early 1960’s the drug Thalidomide was given to thousands of pregnant women in the UK and across the world to relieve morning sickness. The drug cause severe birth defects. Most commonly, missing or short limbs, malformations of hands/digits, damage to ears/eyes and facial disfigurement. Although sometimes forgotten, as Thalidomide survivors reach late middle age, there is growing interest internationally in the health problems they are experiencing as they age and the impact of these on lifelong impairments. However, there is relatively little published research about the issue faced by people with rare impairments/conditions as they age. While in the Thalidomide community, there is a wish to learn from the experiences of Thalidomide survivors and create a legacy that could help other people with rare impairments/conditions.
Effective start/end date21/06/1631/12/16