C2D2 research 1b - Establishing a microbiological and immunological baseline for individuals with surgical wounds healing by secondary intention

Project: Other projectOther internal award

Project Details

Layman's description

This project seeks to lay the foundations for identifying robust biological markers (biomarkers) for wound healing. Such biomarkers could potentially be used to predict time to healing or indicate optimal medical treatment for patient
subgroups. The proposed work will be nested within an NIHR-funded cohort study in the Department of Health Sciences and will add value to this project which aims to collect demographic, treatment and outcome data from people with surgical wound healing by secondary intention (SWHSI) in Leeds and Hull.

Key findings

This project initiated a biological sample study, nested in a larger cohort study. The first outcome was to obtain Ethics Approval, so the study runs in parallel with the main study (sample collection beginning in January 2013). Ethics Approval was awarded by NRES Committee Yorkshire & The Humber - South Yorkshire on the 6th December 2012 (REC reference: 12/YH/0537). Having secured funding for performing the study was the catalyst in obtaining Ethics Approval. The study is now completed and statistical analysis of the data is being performed.
Following the completion of the analysis of the study external funding routes will be pursued as described in the original application. Furthermore the study has contributed to the establishment of infrastructure within the Technology Facility in the Department of Biology for receiving, processing, and storing biological samples. This resource will now be available to all university staff members. We believe this will significantly facilitate translational medicine studies in York.

This study was a first collaboration between the Departments of Health Sciences, Biology and HYMS. Therefore the objectives of the study were fully aligned with the C2D2 mission. We expect that this interaction will form the foundations of a broader and larger scale synergy between the departments. The collaboration is maintained even after the co-applicants from the Wounds Group moved to the University of Manchester. Following the completion of the study and based on the obtained results (preliminary analyses indicate exciting associations) we will put together an application to NIHR/MRC (EME call on wound healing) to study the complex biology of non-resolving wounds in humans. Importantly, our study on Surgical Wounds has provided strong evidence that we can generate and deliver interdisciplinary programmes, which integrate cutting-edge biomedical research with medical practice and public health policy.



No applications yet. As this is a clinical study progression to applications is more time-consuming.

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Effective start/end date1/07/1231/03/13