COST Action IC1407 - Advanced Characterisation and Classification of Radiated Emissions in Densely Integrated Technologies

Project: Other projectResearch collaboration

Project Details


The growth of Internet-enabled smart infrastructures underpinning virtually every sector of economic and social life requires complex, high performance and highly integrated electronic systems. The electromagnetic interference (EMI) will increase with the anticipated increase of clock speeds, frequency of operation and circuit density. Immunity levels will also decrease due to lower supply voltages and lower signal power levels. Traditionally the potential EMI sources were assessed in the frequency domain assuming static emissions. This is not valid for multifunctional devices with many operating modes and wideband digital receivers. New approaches that fully account for time dependence and uncertainty are needed. This COST Action will fully address the challenges of the stochastic and broadband nature of EMI in current and future complex multi-functional systems through a coordinated international research programme specifically aimed at

modelling approaches to include efficient behavioural models, propagation and interaction of stochastic field distributions.
experimental methods including wideband near field probes and efficient time or frequency domain EMI measurement.
The COST format will be the critical enabler for initiating and consolidating structural collaboration of researchers from universities and industries in fundamental research on time domain, stochastic electromagnetic effect
Effective start/end date10/04/159/04/19