The objective of this project is to transform how prospective teachers are selected into training programs in Malawi, with the result of improved teacher effectiveness and student outcomes. In particular, our project will move beyond the current state-of-the-art by focusing not just on the academic understanding of the factors leading to effective teaching, but on how to improve effectiveness levels from the very beginning of teacher training.
Research in education and psychology shows that multiple factors are related to teacher effectiveness. These factors include: (a) background factors such as educational record and teaching experience; (b) cognitive attributes such as subject knowledge and expertise, literacy and numeracy skills, pedagogical knowledge, and reasoning abilities; and (c) non-cognitive attributes such as motivation, personality, and beliefs about knowledge. In this project we are designing theory- and practice-informed teacher trainee selection processes that include assessment of background experiences, and non-cognitive and cognitive attributes of prospective teachers. The project has the potential to improve educational outcomes on a large scale in Malawi.
There is an international push to understand and improve the effectiveness of teachers, because teacher quality has a stronger influence on student outcomes than any other controllable factor (Hattie, 2009). The objective of this project is to transform how prospective teachers are selected into teacher training programs in Malawi, with the result of improved teacher effectiveness and student outcomes.