Effects of Co-operative Learning and Embedded Multimedia on Mathematics Learning in Key Stage 2

Project: Other projectResearch collaboration

Project Details


Effects of Co-operative Learning and Embedded Multimedia on Mathematics Learning in Key Stage 2 , funded by the Nuffield Foundation.
This was a large-scale 40 school national study, funded by the Nuffield Foundation for 2 years , and piloted in Year 4 and 5 classes in 7 schools. The study evaluates the effectiveness of an approach to mathematics teaching that combines co-operative learning strategies, interactive lesson flipcharts, and embedded multimedia effects like puppet sketches and short video clips to further support pupils’ learning. The evaluation involves pre and post testing, 3 days of training and 3 additional regional meetings for teachers, plus several classroom-based consultant support visits and separate evaluation visits to each teacher. The evaluation also involves audio-recordings of pupils’ mathematics talk in experimental and control sites.
Effective start/end date1/07/1031/10/12