EQUISENSE Equine Kinematic Sensor

Project: Other projectResearch collaboration

Project Details


A collaborative Effort between University of York and Equiprofile Ltd, York. This project work, forming par of a larger project (EQUIPRo) was concerned with developing a state of the art motion sensor mesh, comprising of an unlimited number of bespoke body-mounted motion sensors for tracking and recording of motions, in particular in Equine subjects. The sensor is a fully rechargeable device with high data sampling rates utilising a 3-axis accellerometry and 3-axis gyrometry model, with high precision timing, such that multiple sensors can collet data with fine synchronisation accross the entire equine physiology. Data recording times of teh order of 12 hours between charges are possible, permitting all day recording or use with multiple horses during exercise routines of successive horses. Notably the sensor is entirely water proof and may be immersed at depths of multiple metres.

Layman's description

A sophisticated state of the art sensor for equine data motion recording anc collection.
Short titleEQUISENSE
Effective start/end date1/07/1931/03/22