Fiction and Non-fiction across Media

Project: Other projectOther internal award

Project Details


English Department RPF Award

Layman's description

A programme of events fulfilling the interdisciplinary brief of the ICNS and developing its current theme of fictionality, drawing participants from current and prospective members of the Fictionality group in English, TFTV, Philosophy, and History:
Seminar October 2017: Fictionality group speaker
Symposium, Nov 2017: Essay film and Narrative Techniques: Screenwriting Non-Fiction (in association with BAFTSS). Guest speaker (Laura Rascaroli)
Seminar Dec 2017: Guest speaker (Deirdre Wilson)
Seminar Jan 2018: Fictionality group speaker
Seminar Mar 2018: Guest speaker (Stacie Friend)
Symposium/screening, April 2018: Narrative in Animation (in Association with SAS)
Effective start/end date1/10/1730/09/18