This project found that the focal forest had phenomenal biological value and led to the establishment of a long-term conservation project, the Udzungwa Forest Project). Here is a summary of the biological findings:
Flora (trees above 10 cm diameter):
-17 IUCN Red-List or potential Red-List species;
-10 species limited to the forests of East Africa (Eastern Arc / Coastal Forests and no more than one other location);
-An astounding 41.2 % of stems 20 cm diameter are within these two categories;
-The proportion and abundance of rare species are more than double than in similar elevation forest in the Udzungwa Mountains National Park;
-The habitat is distinct from the adjacent Selous Game Reserve.
-The highest encounter rate of Udzungwa red colobus anywhere (this species is IUCN Red-Listed and “Presidential Game” in Tanzania);
-An important dry season refuge for elephants of the Selous Game Reserve;
-Home to the Kilombero valley endemic frog Hyperolius reesei;
-One of two known localities of the chameleon Kinyongia sp. nov. (soon to be named after Magombera forest);
-Montane birds at unusually low elevation.