Improving the Conservation of Magombera Forest and Community Livelihoods (£34,840.40)

Project: Other projectResearch collaboration

Project Details


This project aimed to better understand the ecology of a threatened forest in south-central Tanzania, and to use this information to develop plans for improved conservation of the area.

Key findings

This project found that the focal forest had phenomenal biological value and led to the establishment of a long-term conservation project, the Udzungwa Forest Project). Here is a summary of the biological findings:

Flora (trees above 10 cm diameter):
-17 IUCN Red-List or potential Red-List species;
-10 species limited to the forests of East Africa (Eastern Arc / Coastal Forests and no more than one other location);
-An astounding 41.2 % of stems  20 cm diameter are within these two categories;
-The proportion and abundance of rare species are more than double than in similar elevation forest in the Udzungwa Mountains National Park;
-The habitat is distinct from the adjacent Selous Game Reserve.

-The highest encounter rate of Udzungwa red colobus anywhere (this species is IUCN Red-Listed and “Presidential Game” in Tanzania);
-An important dry season refuge for elephants of the Selous Game Reserve;
-Home to the Kilombero valley endemic frog Hyperolius reesei;
-One of two known localities of the chameleon Kinyongia sp. nov. (soon to be named after Magombera forest);
-Montane birds at unusually low elevation.
Effective start/end date1/07/0631/12/06